February 7 – 11 2017, Sifan Hu attended the 4th Young hunger games 3rd book summary Natural History Scientists’ Meeting (YNHM), held by Muséum National D’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France. This conference is dedicated to young researchers in natural history, including six sessions: 1) Biodiversity Dynamics and Conservation, 2) Humanities and Natural Sciences, 3) Systematics, Evolution and Comparative Anatomy, 4) Earth and Planetary Sciences, 5) Evolutionary Ecology, and 6) Methods in Natural Sciences. The conference included 55 talks. Sifan Hu has contributed an oral presentation titled The Effectiveness of Place-based Strategies on Climate Change Communication and she was awarded the Best Oral Presentation in the session Humanities and Natural Sciences.
Four students defense their thesis
Ms XU Fangfang, Mr ZHANG Weizhe, Mr WU Meng and Ms HU Sifan successfully finish their thesis defense. XU Fangfang’s study aims to understand the secretion trait and function of plant extrafloral nectary.
Sifan Hu attended the 17th Student Conference on Conservation Science 2016, University of Cambridge
March 18 – 24 2016, Sifan Hu attended the 17th Student Conference on Conservation Science (SCCS) and a short course A practical introduction to social survey design for conservation science, held in the Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge, UK. SCCS is aimed at young researchers working in university departments, conservation organisations, and resource management agencies.
Shangwen Xia attended the 52nd Annual Meeting of Association of Tropical Biology and Conservation
July 4 – 17 2015, Shangwen Xia attended the 52nd Annual Meeting of Association of Tropical Biology and Conservation and an advance statistic course, hold in Honululu, Hawaii, USA.
CHEN Jin attended a workshop “Tropical Plant Collections
May 19-21 2015 CHEN Jin attended a workshop “Tropical Plant Collections: Legacies from the past? Essential tools from the future?” in Copenhagen, Denmark
Zhang Weizhe attended BGCI’s 9th International Congress
26 April-1 May 2015 Zhang Weizhe attended BGCI’s 9th International Congress on Education in Botanic Gardens in Missouri botanical garden in St. Louis
Prof. Renee M. Borges visit XTBG
On the invitaion of Prof Chen Jin, Prof Renee Borges pay a visit to XTBG during Jan 26-31. Renee gave a talk at XTBG seminar with title “A Tale of Two Cities: The Chemical Ecology of Lodging and Boarding in Plants” and have a discussion with EEPAI lab members. She also paid a visit to the 20 ha plot in Mengla.
Jin Chen invited as associate editor of Proceedings B
Jin Chen has been recently invited as the associate editor of Proceedings B, as one of handling editor for manuscript on plant animal interaction. The term for this appointment is three years starting with Jan. 2014. More information see:
Marc Johnson Univ Toronto visit EEPAI
Marc Johnson, a faculty on evolutionary biology and a specilist on plant herbivore intraction research of Univ Toronto pay a two weeks visit to EEPAI. Dr Johnson give two talks, one is to XTBG seminar and one to EEPAI+Paeloecology lab meeting, and have intensive intraction with researchers and students here in XTBG. Marc and Chen Jin have discussed possibility of students and researchers exchange program between EEPAI and Marc’s lab.
CHEN Jin attend 2013 ATBC conference in Costa Rica
CHEN Jin together with XTBG colleagues, totally 11 people, join the 2013 annual meeting of ATBC. It was a special annual meeting as both OTS and ATBC celebrate their 50th annuversary during the conference. Over 1000 participants join the meeting. For more information please read
CHEN Jin invited as an editorial board member of Biological Conservation
Prof CHEN Jin has been invited to service as an editorial board member of Journal Biological Conservation (, a conservation leading journal. The term for this service is three years.
Two students defense their thesis
Mr WANG Gang and Ms YAN Juan successfully finish their thesis defense. Wang Gang’s research aims to understand how the pollinator-mediated fig-fig wasp system facilitate the speciation and diversity of fig species. Yan Juan conducted a two year study to understand what is the machanism for the color change of a beautiful flowering plants of two Quisqualis spp. Profs Richard corlett, Gao Jiangyun, Yang Xiaodong, and Zhang Jiaolin of XTBG and two professors from KIB (Profs Li Shenghong, Lou Huairong) act as committee members for the defense.
Eben Goodal wins the ‘Thousand Young Talents Program’
Feb. 25 -Mar. 17 , 2013: Zhang Ling attended an expedition to 4 Indochina countries and the Mekong Environmental Symposium
Yang Xi attended BGCI’s 8th International Congress on Education in Botanic Gardens in Mexico
EEPAI two students pass their thesis defense
EEPAI faculty and students attended the 13th conference of IABG
Samuel Parker a undergraduate student from Harvard Uni visit EEPAI
Qiao Na and Tharanga get approval for their Ph D research proposal
Chen Jin and Zhang Ling came back from a 10-days trip to Florida
EEPAI student attended the 97th annual meeting of ESA