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EEPAI faculty and students attended the 13th conference of IABG

Prof Chen Jin and his Master degree students, Zhang Weizhe and Li Danqing attended the 13th Conference of International Association of Botanical Gardens, which was held from November 13 to 15, 2012, in Guangzhou, China.The Conference was organized by International Association of Botanical Gardens (IABG) and South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences (SCBG, CAS).
The theme of the conference was “Exchange and collaboration: the roles of botanical gardens in plant sciences and ecology”. More than 300 participants in the conference include those from botanical gardens, universities, government offices and NGOs.This conference contained three sessions, including 3 plenary presentations,13 symposia&2 workshops and 16 posters. The main topics were about conservation and sustainable utilization, restoration and ecology, botanical garden based research, horticulture and public education.
Prof Chen Jin organized a symposium: Botanical gardens’ role in overcoming nature deficit disorder in this rapid urbanizing world. Zhang Weizhe did an oral presentation in this symposium, which titled ‘Experiencing Nature May Enhance Children’s Willingness for Conservation’. In the same symposium, He He, a former graduated student, gave his oral report about ‘Bird Watching: Another Window to Biodiversity Conservation Education for Botanical Gardens’.
In addition, in the third day of the conference, two students participated the field trip to Dinghushan National Nature Reserve, which was China’s first Nature Reserve and had a significant importance in the conservation of the ecosystems over the last 50 years.