您好!欢迎访问中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园研究组网站! 2022/04/06 上午9:17:24 星期三

Five students defense their thesis

Mr THARANGA, Mr BACH, Mr SOUVICK, Ms XIAO Xue and Ms CAI Shaofen successfully finish their thesis defense. THARANGA’s study aims to understand fundamental questions of animal signaling and mimicry theories by mimic butterflies. Mr BACH devoted himself in understanding the ecology of the southern yellow cheeked crested gibbon. Mr SOUVICK’s buy research papers research targeted to identify if beekeeping can really provide significant contribution to local people’s income generation and if beekeepers hold strong willingness for protecting natural forest. Ms XIAO Xue aimed to study coevolution and Geographic Mosaic Theory of Coevolution by figs, fig wasps and non-pollinating fig wasps. Ms CAI Shaofen tried to answer that how different motivations affect the degree of participation in the framework of integrating theory of planned (TPB) and self-determination theory; and if the engagement of citizen science programs generate impact upon psychological variables related to conservation behavior. Prof. Richard Corlett, Kyle Tomlinson, Chen Jin, Yang Xiaodong, Quan Ruichang, Zhang Jiaolin and Xing Yaowu of XTBG, Prof. Wang Hong from KIB and Prof. Jiang Xuelong from KIZ act as committee members for the defense.
