您好!欢迎访问中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园研究组网站! 2022/04/06 上午9:17:24 星期三

Four students defense their thesis

Ms XU Fangfang, Mr ZHANG Weizhe, Mr WU Meng and Ms HU Sifan successfully finish their thesis defense. XU Fangfang’s study aims to understand the secretion trait and function of plant extrafloral nectary. Mr ZHANG Weizhe devoted himself in understanding whether some environmental education programs improve students’ nature experiences, enhance students’ intention of biodiversity conservation. Mr WU Meng’s research targeted to design a useful and canonical evaluation method to evaluate the environmental educate programs. Ms HU Sifan aimed to find the factors influencing the adolescents’ willingness in mitigating climate change and analyze the effectiveness of the place-based inter-generation communication for climate change educational program and develop the theoretical model to understand the internal influencing mechanism by 1168 valid questionnaire surveys. Profs Yang Xiaodong, Xu Zengfu, Zhang Jiaolin and Wang Ximin of XTBG, Prof. Sun Weibang from KIB and Prof. Ou Xiaokun from Yunnan University act as committee members for the defense.