植物分类和保护研究组成立于2024年1月,是综合保护中心最新成立的研究组。研究组以热带亚洲为重点研究区域,以该地区优势及特色的蕨类和被子植物为研究对象,开展综合的专科、专属分类学研究,系统发育重建,分类系统更新,物种多样性编目和重点珍稀濒危物种的保护生物学研究。目前主要关注热带亚洲蕨类植物、重要的被子植物如蓼科、兰科、唇形科和唇形目全球尺度的系统发育重建及部分重要资源植物(如荞麦属、蓼属、拳参属、豆腐柴属和牡荆属等)的分类学修订。先后描述发表维管植物新科2个(美丽桐科Wightiaceae Bo Li, Bing Liu, Su Liu & Y.H.Tan、爬树蕨科Arthropteridaceae H.M.Liu, Hovenkamp & H.Schneid.)、新亚科6个(攀实蕨亚科Polybotryoideae H.M.Liu & X.C.Zhang, 紫珠亚科Callicarpoideae Bo Li & Olmstead, 歧伞花亚科Cymarioideae Bo Li, Olmstead & P.D.Cantino, 漱齿木亚科Peronematoideae Bo Li, Olmstead & P.D.Cantino, 豆腐柴亚科Premnoideae Bo Li, Olmstead & P.D.Cantino, 柚木亚科Tectonoideae Bo Li & Olmstead)、新属8个(补求草属Puchiumazus Bo Li, D.G.Zhang & C.L.Xiang、日轮果属Heliacria Bo Li, C.L.Xiang, T.S.Hoang & Nuraliev、假益母草属Paraleonurus M.L.Qian, C.L.Xiang & Bo Li和凤羽里白属Rouxopteris H.M. Liu等),并提出鳞毛蕨科、唇形科、透骨草科、荞麦属及中国蕨类植物新分类系统,解决了一些唇形目疑难类群,如囊萼花属和虾子草属的科级归属,累计发表蕨类和被子植物新类群及新名称47个。此外,研究组还评估了包括保亭花等在内的多个珍稀濒危植物的濒危等级,开展了多种珍稀濒危蕨类和兰花的引种和种质保存工作,并对部分种类进行了种苗繁育等。
Plant Taxonomy and Conservation Research Group was established in January 2024 as the newest research unit within the Center of Integrative Conservation (CIC). Our work encompasses comprehensive monographic and genus-specific taxonomic revisions, phylogenetic reconstructions, classification updates, species diversity cataloging, and conservation biology research for dominant and characteristic angiosperms and ferns in Asian tropical ecosystems.
During our initial phase, we prioritized global-scale phylogenetic reconstruction of tropical-subtropical fern groups and angiosperm taxa (including Polygonaceae, Orchidaceae, Lamiaceae, and the order Lamiales), as well as taxonomic revision of economically and ecologically significant genera such as Fagopyrum (buckwheat), Polygonum, Bistorta, Premna, and Vitex. To date, we have described significant taxonomic novelties, including two new families (Wightiaceae Bo Li, Bing Liu, Su Liu & Y.H.Tan, Arthropteridaceae H.M.Liu, Hovenkamp & H.Schneid.), six new subfamilies (Polybotryoideae H.M.Liu & X.C.Zhang, Callicarpoideae Bo Li & Olmstead, Cymarioideae Bo Li, Olmstead & P.D.Cantino, Peronematoideae Bo Li, Olmstead & P.D.Cantino, Premnoideae Bo Li, Olmstead & P.D.Cantino, Tectonoideae Bo Li & Olmstead), and eight new genera (e.g., Heliacria Bo Li, C.L.Xiang, T.S.Hoang & Nuraliev, Paraleonurus M.L.Qian, C.L.Xiang & Bo Li, Puchiumazus Bo Li, D.G.Zhang & C.L.Xiang, and Rouxopteris H.M.Liu). We also proposed several important classification systems for Dryopteridaceae, Lamiaceae, Phrymaceae, and Fagopyrum, as well as Chinese Pteridophyta, and resolved the familial placements of taxonomically ambiguous genera (Cyrtandromoea and Mimulicalyx) within Lamiales. The critical assessment of the species Wenchengia alternifolia was also carried out. Additionally, we established ex-situ conservation protocols, germplasm banking for rare ferns and orchids, and seedling propagation methods for prioritized endangered species.
Our research bridges foundational taxonomic innovation with actionable conservation strategies, advancing both scientific knowledge and practical efforts to safeguard tropical plant diversity in Asia.
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