您好!欢迎访问中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园研究组网站! 2022/04/06 上午9:17:24 星期三
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The Paleoecology Research Group was established to study the response and adaptation mechanisms of plant diversity to environmental change at global change and geological and historical scales. Relying on XTBG's dominant disciplines (ecology and botany), the research group will use plant fossils and modern plants as research materials, combine macro and micro, multidisciplinary, and use models and big data to explore the evolution history and law of plant distribution patterns at different time scales, as well as the response and adaptation mechanism of biodiversity to paleoenvironmental changes (paleoclimate, paleovegetation, paleolandform, paleoaltitude, paleoatmospheric carbon dioxide). The paleoecology group mainly focuses on the Cenozoic plants widely distributed in the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau and its adjacent areas (such as the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and Southeast Asian countries), and carries out the following studies:

1) The study of the fossil history of paleoflora and specific plant groups. More than 50,000 beautifully preserved fossil materials from different geological eras of the Cenozoic in southwest China and Southeast Asia have been collected, covering leaves, seeds, fruits, flowers and wood, including Pinaceae, Cypressaceae, Fagaceae, Lauraceae, Betulaceae, Dipterocarpaceae, Fabaceae and other important taxa in the current ecosystem.

2) Quantitatively reconstruct the paleoenvironment (paleoclimate, paleovegetation, paleolandform, paleoaltitude) using the abundant Cenozoic fossil materials from southwest China and Southeast Asia.

3) Carry out the research on model simulation of key geological periods, key taxa and important geological events. Combining big data analysis, numerical simulation (HadCM3, CESM), and vegetation and plant diversity simulation, this paper comprehensively explores how changes in the earth's environment drive the evolution of ecosystems, vegetation and plant diversity.

4) On the basis of the study of paleoflora and specific plant groups, explore the evolution of biodiversity in geological time and the response mechanism to environmental changes.



2024年  2023年  2022年  2021年  2020年  2019年  2018年  2017年  2016年  2015年  2014年  2013年