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  近期,版纳植物园古生态组以Peaches preceded humans: Fossil evidence from SW China为题在Scientific Reports上发表了世界目前已知最早的桃化石,该文章被Nature中文网站列为11月的研究亮点,中国科学院院网首页以封面图片进行了报道。该项研究还受到了国际主流媒体的广泛关注,如Science网站做了题为“现代人类出现之前中国就出现了桃”的报道Discovery频道介绍说:“昆明桃的发现更加证明了现代栽培桃起源于中国华盛顿邮报也指出:“这项研究表明,桃并没有借助现代人类的帮助就已经出现 

  桃(Prunus persica)为蔷薇科李属植物,尽管桃是全球最为重要的经济果树之一,但目前关于其起源与栽培的历史还知之甚少。已有的化石记录都是距今1万年内的考古学证据。版纳植物园古生态组的周浙昆研究员、苏涛副研究员与美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学、中科院昆明植物所、昆明理工大学合作,研究了产自昆明市北部汽车客运站附近的八个桃核化石。这批化石的形态特征几乎和现代桃核完全相同,鉴于缺乏对整个植物形态的认识,将化石种定为昆明桃(Prunus kunmingensis)。这一发现将桃的演化历史提前到距今约两百六十万年,增加了我国西南地区在讨论栽培桃演化中的重要性。同时,该研究推测昆明桃的果实大小和现代栽培桃的较小果实品种接近,意味着桃在野生状态下可能被早期人类直接利用,通过后期长时间的栽培才逐渐形成种类繁多的现代品种。 

图一 发现于昆明北部汽车站附近的桃核化石

图二 古人类采摘桃复原图


附:部分媒体的相关报道(Peter Wilf教授收集整理) 

China had peaches before it had humans. Science Now (AAAS), 2 December 2015. 

World’s oldest peach found in China, presumably no longer delicious. By Rachel Feltman, Washington Post, 2 December 2015. 

World's oldest peach pits found in China at 2.5 million years old. By Ana Verayo, China Topix, 2 December 2015. 

Fossilized peach pits look identical to modern varieties of the fruit. By Natalia Hall, Northern Californian 1 December 2015. 

World's oldest peach pits shed light on the evolution of the fruit. By Rogelio Estrada, Seating Chair, 2 December 2015. 

Fossilized peach pits were discovered in China. By Lori Martinez, Regal Tribune, 2 December 2015. 

The Paleo Peach: First fossil peaches discovered in China reveal ancient snack. By Catherine Griffin, Science World Report, 2 December 2015. 

2.5-Million-Year-Old Fossilized Peaches Found in China. By Natali Anderson, Sci-News.com, 2 December 2015 

Scientists uncover the world’s oldest peach pits in China. By Sam Catherman, BABW News, 2 December 2015. 

Paleo Peaches? First fossil peaches discovered In China. By Samantha Mathewson, Nature World News, 2 December 2015. 

World’s oldest peach pit reveals juicy secrets: 2.5 million-year-old fruit originated in China BEFORE the arrival of humans. By Cheyenne MacDonald, Daily Mail, 2 December 2015. 

Paleo peach pits: Was the sweet, juicy fruit in China before humans? By Eva Botkin-Kowacki, Christian Science Monitor, 2 Decemeber 2015. 

Scientists find world's oldest peach pits near Chinese bus stop. By Brooks Hays, UPI, 2 Dcember 2015. 

Oldest peach pits found In China shed light on evolution of the fruit. By Katrina Pascual, Tech Times 2 December 2015. 

The amazing, bizarre history of the Peach — uncovered at last. By Dan Taylor, Morning Ticker, 2 December 2015. 

World’s oldest peach pits shed light on the evolution of the fruit. By Hira Bashir, I4U News, 2 December 2015. 

Oldest peach remains were found in China. By Denise Ehrlich, Capital Berg, 2 December 2015. 

Fossilized peach pits from 2.5 million years ago have been found. By Brian Galloway, Capital Wired, 2 December 2015. 

Fossilized peachs dated 2.5 million years old discovered in China. Dipatch Tribunal, 2 December 2015. 

New fossils prove Peach’s mother soil is China. By Ray Courtney, Albany Daily Star. 2 December 2015. 

Earliest peach fossils found in Yunnan. Chinese Academy of Sciences news, 1 December 2015. 

Oldest peach pits found in China. By Rossella Lorenzi, Discovery News, 1 December 2015. 

World’s oldest peach pits reveal juicy secrets. By Megan Gannon. Livescience.com, 1 December 2015. 

2.5 million year old peach fossils found in China. By Subodh Varma, The Times of India 1 December 2015.

