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 (1) 2015-09 至 2021-07, 中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园, 生态学, 博士,导师:权锐昌

 (2) 2011-09 至 2014-07, 云南大学, 生态学, 硕士,导师:吴兆录

 (3) 2007-09 至 2011-06, 云南大学, 生态学, 学士


(1)2021-12 至 2024-11, 中国科学院地球化学研究所,博士后,合作导师:冯新斌

 (2) 2017-01 至 2021-11, 中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园, 哀牢山生态站, 实验师

 (3) 2014-07 至 2016-12, 中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园, 哀牢山生态站, 助理实验师


 (1) 2024年,中国科学院地球化学研究所,博士后,优秀出站

 (2) 2020年哀牢山生态站优秀员工

 (3) 普洱市第一届科普演讲大赛三等奖

 (4) 2013年云南大学优秀研究生奖学金一等奖

 (5) 首届东陆英才研究生奖学金科研学术奖

 (6) 第十七届伍达观优秀学生奖学金

 (7) 昆明市第十一届自然科学优秀科技论文一等优秀

 (8) 2016年云南省优秀硕士论文

 (9) 2012年硕士研究生国家奖学金

 (10) 第八届岳虹研究生奖学金二等奖



(1)Luo, K., W. Yuan, Z. Lu, Z. Xiong, C. J. Lin, X. Wang*, and X. Feng*. 2024. Unveiling the Sources and Transfer of Mercury in Forest Bird Food Chains Using Techniques of Vivo-Nest Video Recording and Stable Isotopes. Environmental Science & Technology 58(13): 6007-6018.(IF = 10.8, 中科院1区Top, Nature Index期刊)

(2)Xu, Z.#, K. Luo#, Q. Lu, L. Shang, J. Tian, Z. Lu, Q. Li, Z. Chen, and G. Qiu*. 2023. The mercury flow through a terrestrial songbird food chain in subtropical pine forest: Elucidated by Bayesian isotope mixing model and stable mercury isotopes. Journal of Hazardous Materials 459:132263. (IF = 12.2, 中科院1区Top期刊)

(3)Lu, W., J. Li*, Y. Lei, J. Duan, and K. Luo*. 2024, Observation of interspecific feeding by White-browed Shrike-Babbler (Pteruthius aeralatus) of brood-parasitic nestlings of Chestnut-winged Cuckoo (Clamator coromandus) in a Nest of Greater Necklaced Laughingthrush (Pterorhinus pectoralis), Ecology and Evolution, 14(5), e11465. (IF = 2.3, 中科院2区)

(4)Luo, K., W. Yuan, N. Liu, S. Zeng, D. Wang, Z. Lu, X. Wang*, and X. Feng. 2022. Remarkable Variation in the Process of Hg Accumulation in Timberline Forests Indicates an Aggravated Hg Burden in Alpine Forests Under Climate Warming. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 127.(IF = 3.7, 中科院3区)

(5)Luo, K.#, Z. Xu#, Wang, R.-C. Quan, Z. Lu, W. Bi, H. Zhao, and G. Qiu*. 2020. Terrestrial methylmercury bioaccumulation in a pine forest food chain revealed by live nest videography observations and nitrogen isotopes. Environmental pollution 263.(IF = 7.6, 中科院2区Top期刊)

(6)Luo, K., L. Feng, Z. Lu, D. Li, and R.-C. Quan*. 2019. Novel instance of brood parasitic cuckoo nestlings using bright yellow patches to mimic gapes of host nestlings. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 131(3): 686-693. (IF = 0.4, 中科院4区)

(7)Luo, K., Z. Wu*, H. Bai, and Z. Wang. 2019. Bird diversity and waterbird habitat preferences in relation to wetland restoration at Dianchi Lake, south-west China. Avian Research 10.(IF = 1.6, 中科院2区, Google 学术被引58次)

(8)Luo, K., Y. Hu, Z. Lu, and D. Li*. 2018. Interspecific feeding at a bird nest: Snowy-browed Flycatcher (Ficedula hyperythra) as a helper at the Rufous-bellied Niltava (Niltava sundara) nest, Yunnan, Southwest China. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 130.(IF = 0.4, 中科院4区)

(9)罗康*, 鲁志云, 李达文, 权锐昌. 云南哀牢山蓝短翅鸫cruralis亚种的巢和卵. 动物学杂志,2019, 54(3):605-606.

(10)罗康*, 鲁志云, 王英, 云南双柏发现噪鹃多重寄生红嘴蓝鹊, 四川动物, 2018, 37(1): 94.

(11)罗康, 关爽, 鲁志云, 赵海, 李东来*, 棕腹杜鹃在山蓝仙鹟巢中寄生繁殖, 动物学杂志. 2018, 53(1): 125, 142.

(12)罗康, 白皓天, 吴兆录*,项希希, 张征恺, 丁洪波, 滇池湿地的鸻鹬类及铁嘴沙鸻和弯嘴滨鹬云南新分布.四川动物, 2013,32(6): 926~931.

(13)罗康, 吴兆录*, 张海艳, 项希希, 苏栋栋, 云南滇池紫水鸡生态学特性初步研究.野生动物, 2013,34(1):20~22, 60.

(14)罗康,王紫江, 吴兆录*, 安庆媛, 郭致和, 赵力生, 王子江, 王学荣, 李国昌, 哀牢山北段大中山候鸟聚集地秋季夜间迁徙鸟类多样性, 四川动物, 2012, 31(4): 641~646.

(15)罗康, 棕腹仙鹟繁殖笔记, 生命世界, 2017, 8: 50~55.(科普文章)

(16)罗康, 哀牢山生态站鸟类初探, 生命世界, 2015, 4: 46~55. (科普文章)


(1)Yang, C. *, H. Wang, K. Luo, J. Liu, J. Yu, H. Wang, D. Wan, and W. Liang. 2024. How does evolution against brood parasites reshape or modify an instinctive behaviour in birds? Animal Behaviour 210:33-41.

(2)Xu, Z., Q. Lu, D. Jia, S. Li, K. Luo, T. Su, Z. Chen, and G. Qiu*. 2024. Significant biomagnification of methylmercury in songbird nestlings through a rice-based food web: Insights from stable mercury isotopes. Journal Of Hazardous Materials. 468, 133783.

(3)Jia, D., K. Luo, Z. Xu, X. Xu, C. Li, H. Wu, D. Wang, H. Ye, G. Wu, Z. Chen, and G. Qiu*. 2023. Mercury accumulation, distribution, and isotopic composition in tissues of the Collared Scops Owl (Otus lettia). Acta Geochimica 42:637-647.

(4)Yuan, W., X. Wang*, C. J. Lin, F. Wu, K. Luo, H. Zhang, Z. Lu, and X. Feng*. 2022. Mercury Uptake, Accumulation, and Translocation in Roots of Subtropical Forest: Implications of Global Mercury Budget. Environ Sci Technol 56:14154-14165.

(5)Li, C., K. Luo, Y. Shao, X. Xu, Z. Chen, T. Liang, Z. Xu, X. Dong, H. Wang, and G. Qiu*. 2022. Total and methylmercury concentrations in nocturnal migratory birds passing through Mount Ailao, Southwest China. Environ Res 215:114373.

(6)Zhang, F., Z. Xu, X. Xu, L. Liang, Z. Chen, X. Dong, K. Luo, F. Dinis, and G. Qiu*. 2022. Terrestrial mercury and methylmercury bioaccumulation and trophic transfer in subtropical urban forest food webs. Chemosphere 299:134424.

(7)Zhou, L., I. Peabotuwage, K. Luo, R.-C. Quan*, and E. Goodale*. 2021. Using playback to test leadership in mixed-species flocks and compare flocking with mobbing. Animal Behaviour 180:151-166.

(8)Mammides, C., * E. Goodale, S. K. Dayananda, K. Luo, and J. Chen. 2021. On the use of the acoustic evenness index to monitor biodiversity: A comment on “Rapid assessment of avian species richness and abundance using acoustic indices” by Bradfer-Lawrence et al. (2020) [Ecological Indicators, 115, 106400]. Ecological Indicators 126.

(9)Li, C., Z. Xu, K. Luo, Z. Chen, X. Xu, C. Xu, and G. Qiu*. 2021. Biomagnification and trophic transfer of total mercury and methylmercury in a sub-tropical montane forest food web, southwest China. Chemosphere 277:130371.

(10)Lu, Z., W. Yuan, K. Luo, and X. Wang*. 2021. Litterfall mercury reduction on a subtropical evergreen broadleaf forest floor revealed by multi-element isotopes. Environ Pollut 268:115867.

(11)Gustafsson, D. R., L. Lei, K. Luo, X. Chu, X. Zhao, Q. Zhang, and F. Zou*. 2019. Chewing lice from high-altitude and migrating birds in Yunnan, China, with descriptions of two new species of Guimaraesiella. Med Vet Entomol 33:407-419.

(12)Qiu, G. *, K. S. Abeysinghe, X. D. Yang, Z. Xu, X. Xu, K. Luo, and E. Goodale. 2019. Effects of Selenium on Mercury Bioaccumulation in a Terrestrial food Chain from an Abandoned Mercury Mining Region. Bull Environ Contam Toxicol 102:329-334.

(13)Fei, X., Q. Song, Y. Zhang*, Y. Liu, L. Sha, G. Yu, L. Zhang, C. Duan, Y. Deng, C. Wu, Z. Lu, K. Luo, A. Chen, K. Xu, W. Liu, H. Huang, Y. Jin, R. Zhou, J. Li, Y. Lin, L. Zhou, Y. Fu, X. Bai, X. Tang, J. Gao, W. Zhou, and J. Grace. 2018. Carbon exchanges and their responses to temperature and precipitation in forest ecosystems in Yunnan, Southwest China. Sci Total Environ 616-617:824-840.

(14)Tang, C. Q. *, T. Matsui, H. Ohashi, Y. F. Dong, A. Momohara, S. Herrando-Moraira, S. Qian, Y. Yang, M. Ohsawa, H. T. Luu, P. J. Grote, P. V. Krestov, L. Ben, M. Werger, K. Robertson, C. Hobohm, C. Y. Wang, M. C. Peng, X. Chen, H. C. Wang, W. H. Su, R. Zhou, S. Li, L. Y. He, K. Yan, M. Y. Zhu, J. Hu, R. H. Yang, W. J. Li, M. Tomita, Z. L. Wu, H. Z. Yan, G. F. Zhang, H. He, S. R. Yi, H. Gong, K. Song, D. Song, X. S. Li, Z. Y. Zhang, P. B. Han, L. Q. Shen, D. S. Huang, K. Luo, and J. Lopez-Pujol. 2018. Identifying long-term stable refugia for relict plant species in East Asia. Nat Commun 9:4488.

(15)He, X., K. Luo, C. Brown, and L. Lin*. 2018. A taxonomic, functional, and phylogenetic perspective on the community assembly of passerine birds along an elevational gradient in southwest China. Ecol Evol 8:2712-2720.

(16)Mammides, C., E. Goodale, S. K. Dayananda, L. Kang, and J. Chen*. 2017. Do acoustic indices correlate with bird diversity? Insights from two biodiverse regions in Yunnan Province, south China. Ecological Indicators 82:470-477.

(17)Song, Q.-H., X.-H. Fei, Y.-P. Zhang*, L.-Q. Sha, C.-S. Wu, Z.-Y. Lu, K. Luo, W.-J. Zhou, Y.-T. Liu, and J.-B. Gao. 2017. Snow damage strongly reduces the strength of the carbon sink in a primary subtropical evergreen broadleaved forest. Environmental Research Letters 12.

(18)Song, Q. H., X. H. Fei, Y. P. Zhang*, L. Q. Sha, Y. T. Liu, W. J. Zhou, C. S. Wu, Z. Y. Lu, K. Luo, J. B. Gao, and Y. H. Liu. 2017. Water use efficiency in a primary subtropical evergreen forest in Southwest China. Sci Rep 7:43031.

(19)Lu, Z., X. Wang*, Y. Zhang, Y. J. Zhang, K. Luo, and L. Sha. 2016. High mercury accumulation in two subtropical evergreen forests in South China and potential determinants. J Environ Manage 183:488-496.


 (1) 国家自然科学基金委员会, 青年科学基金项目, 42207311, 亚热带高山森林繁殖鸟类食物链汞富集传递及其制约因素解析, 2023-01-01 至 2025-12-31, 30万元, 在研, 主持

 (2) 国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 31971443, 云南哀牢山常绿阔叶林鸟类-植物生态学网络结构及形成机制研究, 2020-01-01 至 2023-12-31, 58万元, 结题, 参与

 (3) 中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园“十三五”期间“一三五”专项重大突破一子课题6(2017XTBG-T01):沿纬度梯度的中国西南-中南半岛森林鸟类群落多样性维持机制研究,2017/10 - 2020/12、20万元、结题,参与。

 (4) 国家自然科学基金青年项目,31500344、基于系统发育与功能性状的方法研究鸟类群落构建机制 - 以哀牢山北段不同海拔梯度的鸟类群落为例、2016/01/01 - 2018/12/31,20万元、结题,参与。

 (5) 国家自然科学基金,41471149,云贵高原候鸟越冬湿地景观变化及其对水鸟多样性的影响,2015/01—2018/12,80万元,结题,参与。

 (6) 国家自然科学基金,31060079 ,滇池地区越冬红嘴鸥栖息地及食物源动态特征与生态管理研究,2011/01-2013/12,23万元,结题,参与。