My research focuses on the assembly, diversity, and dynamics of ecological communities across spatio-temporal scales. I am especially intrigued by the interplay of processes across ecological and biogeographic gradients, including evolutionary processes that create variation in biodiversity across biogeographic regions, environmental and spatial mechanisms of community assembly across landscapes, and mechanisms that shape local community diversity and dynamics. Through my studies, I strive to gain mechanistic insights into the relative importance of ecological processes that structure local communities within the broader context of biogeographic and evolutionary processes that shape regional biotas. My current field projects focus on local tropical and subtropical forests in Indo-China Peninsula and Yunann Province.
1. 2016年荣获云南省优秀博士学位论文
2. 2016年入选中国科学院青年创新促进会
3. 2018年入选云南省“万人计划”青年拔尖人才
4. 2019年荣获第九届云南省青年科技奖
5. 2020年荣获中国科学院青年创新促进会 优秀会员
6. 2021年主持云南省杰出青年基金
1) Yang, J., Song, X.Y., Zambrano, J., Chen, Y., Cao, M., Deng, X., Zhang, W., Yang, X., Zhang, G., Tang, Y., Swenson, N. G. (2021) Intra-specific variation in tree growth responses to neighborhood composition and seasonal drought in a tropical forest, Jounral of Ecology, 109: 26-37.
2) Song, X.Y., Yang, J*., Cao, M*., Lin, L., Sun, Z., Wen, H., Swenson, NG. (2021) Traits mediate a tradeoff in seedling growth response to light and conspecific density in a diverse subtropical forest. Journal of Ecology, 109: 703-713.
3) Yang, J., Song, X.Y., Cao, M., Deng, X., Zhang, W., Yang, X., Swenson, N. G. (2020) On the modeling of tropical tree growth: the importance of intra-specific trait variation, non-linear functions and phenotypic integration, Annals of Botany, doi:10.1093/aob/mcaa085.
4) Song, X.Y., Zhang, W. F., Johnson, D. J., Yang, J*., Mengesha, A., Deng, X.B., Yang, X.F., Cao, M., (2020). Conspecific negative density dependence in rainy season enhanced seedling diversity across habitats in a tropical forest. Oecologia, 193: 949-957.
5) Mengesha Asefa, Calum Brown, Min Cao, Guocheng Zhang, Xiuqin Ci, Liqing Sha, Jie Li, Luxiang Lin, Jie Yang* (2019) Contrasting effects of space and environment on functional and phylogenetic dissimilarity in a tropical forest. Journal of Plant Ecology,12: 314-326.
6) Song, X.Y., Cao, M., Kitching, R.L., Tang, Y., Sun, Z.H., Nakamura, A., Laidlaw, M.J., Yang, J*. (2019). Environmental and spatial contributions to seedling and adult tree assembly across tropical, subtropical, and subalpine elevational gradients, Journal of Plant Ecology, 12: 103-112.
7) Yang, J., Cao, M., Swenson, G.N*. (2018) Why functional traits do not predict tree demographic rates? Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 33: 326-336.
8) Song, X.Y., Hogan, J.A., L., Lin, H, Wen., Cao, M., Yang, J.* (2018). Canopy openness and topographic habitat drive tree seedling recruitment after snow damage in an old-growth subtropical forest. Forest Ecology and Management, 429: 493-502.
9) Song, X.Y., Johnson, D.J. Cao, M., Uma?a, M.N., Deng, X.B., Yang, X.F., Zhang, W.F., Yang, J.* (2018). The strength of density-dependent mortality is contingent on climate and seedling size. Journal of Vegetation Science. 29: 662-670.
10) Asefa, M., Cao, M., Zhang, G.C., Ci, X.Q., Li, J., Yang, J*. (2017). Environmental filtering structures tree functional traits combination and lineages across space in tropical tree assemblages. Scientific Reports, 17-00166-z.
11) Liu, S., Zhu, H.*, Yang, J.* (2017). A phylogenetic perspective on biogeographical divergence of the flora in Yunnan, Southwestern China. Scientific Reports, Srep4302.
12) Song, X.Y., Hogan, J.A., Brown, C., Cao, M.*, Yang, J.* (2017). Snow damage to the canopy facilitates alien weed invasion in a subtropical montane primary forest in southwestern China. Forest Ecology and Management, 391: 275-281.
13) Yang, J., Swenson, N.G., Zhang, G., Ci, X., Cao, M., Sha, L., Li, J., Slik, J.W.F., Lin, L. (2015) Local-scale partitioning of tree functional and phylogenetic beta diversity in a tropical forest, Scientific Reports, 5.
14) Yang, J., Zhang, G., Ci, X., Lu, M., Li, J., Cao, M., Lin, L. (2014) Functional traits of tree species co-vary with environmental niches in two large forest dynamics plots, Journal of Plant Ecology, 7(2): 115-125.
15) Yang, J., Zhang, G., Ci, X., Swenson, N.G., Sha, L., Baskin, C.C., Li, J., Cao, M., Slik, J.W.F., Lin, L. (2014) Functional and phylogenetic assembly in a Chinese tropical tree community across size class, spatial scales and habitats, Functional Ecology, 28: 520-529.
16) Yang, J., Swenson, N.G., Cao, M., Chuyong, G.B., Ewango, C.E.N., Howe, R., Kenfack, D., Thomas, D., Wolf, A., Lin, L. (2013) A phylogenetic perspective on the individual species-area relationship in temperate and tropical tree communities, PLoS One, 8: e63192.