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博士,研究员,博士生导师。主要从事外来入侵物种的入侵机制、生态学效应及综合防控等科学问题的研究。在外来入侵植物的进化以及群落可入侵性等领域做出了突出的成就。分别于2012年(排名第二)和2021年(排名第一)获云南省科学技术奖自然科学二等奖。主持国家自然科学基金项目4项、国家重点研发计划子课题2项、中国科学院西部之光项目1项。在Ecology Letters、New Phytologist等国际著名期刊上发表论文30余篇,参编专著1部。兼任中国生态学学会生物入侵生态专业委员副秘书长(兼委员)、云南省生态学会理事、Flora与Frontiers in Plant Science期刊编委。


2021.11-至今    中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园,研究员,生物入侵生态学研究组组长

2020.5-2021.11  中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园,研究员,生物入侵生态学青年科学家小组组长

2018.5-2020.5   中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园,副研究员,生物入侵生态学青年科学家小组组长

2015.1- 2018.5   中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园,副研究员

2009.6-2014.12  中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园,助理研究员

2006.7-2009.5   中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园,研究实习员


(1)     中国生态学学会生物入侵生态专业委员会 副秘书长

(2)     云南省生态学会 理事

(3)     Flora 期刊编委


(1)     外来植物飞机草的入侵机制,云南省2021年度科学技术奖自然科学二等奖 (排名第一)

(2)     氮分配的进化假说-解释外来植物入侵机制的新理论。云南省2012年度科学技术奖自然科学二等奖(排名第二)。


(1)     Wang RF, Liao ZY, Li WT, Zhang CH, Zhang HB*, Zheng YL*. 2023. Low-level expression of induced defences and increased compensation in Eupatorium adenophorum relative to its native congeneric plant to mechanical wounding and insect herbivory. Journal of Plant Ecology. 16: rtac069.

(2)     Liu Y*, Zheng YL, Jahn LV, Burns JH. 2023. Invaders responded more positively to soil biota than native or noninvasive introduced species, consistent with enemy escape. Biological Invasions, 25: 351-364

(3)     Li WT, Zheng YL*, Wang RF. 2022. Extension of the EICA hypothesis for invasive Chromolaena odorata. Acta Oecologica, 114, 103803.

(4)     Li WT,  Kuzyakov Y, Zheng YL, Li PF, Li GL, Liu M*, Alharbi HA, Li ZP*. 2022.  Depth effects on bacterial community assembly processes in paddy soils. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 165, 108517.

(5)     Li WT, Zheng YL*, Wang RF, Wang ZY, Liu YM, Shi X, Liao ZY, Li YP, Feng YL. 2022. Shifts in chemical and microbiological properties belowground of invader Ageratina adenophora along an altitudinal gradient. Journal of Plant Ecology, 15: 561-57

(6)     Li WT, Kuzyakov Y, Zheng YL, Liu M*, Wu M, Dong YH, Li ZP*. 2022. Effect of long-term fertilization on enzyme activities and microbial community composition in the rice rhizosphere. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B-Soil & Plant Science, 72: 454-462.

(7)     Shi X, Zheng YL*, Liao ZY. 2022. Effects of warming and nutrient fluctuation on invader Chromolaena odorata and natives in artificial communities. Plant Ecology, 223: 315-322.

(8)     Shi X, Li WT*, Zheng YL*. 2021. Soil legacy effect of extreme precipitation on a tropical invader in different land use types. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 191, 104625.

(9)     Zheng YL*, Burns JH, Wang RF, Yang AD, Feng YL. 2021. Identity recognition and the invasion of exotic plant. Flora, 280, 151828.

(10)   Shi X, Liu G, Zheng YL*. 2020. Comparisons of irradiance utilization efficiency by invasive Chromolaena odorata and its three co-occurring species in one planted understory. Flora, 271, 151680.

(11)   Zheng YL*, Burns JH, Liao ZY, Li WT, Li L. 2020. Nutrient uctuation has di?erent e?ects on a tropical invader in communities from the native and non-native range. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 178, 104193.

(12)   Liao ZY, Scheepens JF, Li QM, Wang WB, Feng YL*, Zheng YL*. 2020. Founder effects, postintroduction evolution and phenotypic plasticity contribute to invasion success of a genetically impoverished invader. Oecologia, 192, 105-118.

(13)   Li WT, Zheng YL*, Zhang LK, Lei YB, Li YP, Liao ZY, Li ZP, Feng YL*. 2020. Post-introduction evolution contributes to the successful invasion of Chromolaena odorata. Ecology and Evolution. 10: 1252-1263.

(14)   Zheng YL*, Liao ZY, Li WT, Wang RF, Li L, Yang AD, Zheng YG, Feng YL. 2020. The effect of resource pulses on the competitiveness of a tropical invader depends on identity of resident species and resource type. Acta Oecologica, 102: 103507.

(15)   Burns JH*, Jennifer EM, Zheng YL. 2019. Tests of alternative evolutionary models are needed to enhance our understanding of biological invasions. New Phytologist, 222: 701-707.

(16)   Liao ZY, Scheepens JF, Li WT, Wang RF, Zheng YL*, Feng YL*. 2019. Biomass reallocation and increased plasticity might contribute to successful invasion of Chromolaena odorata. Flora, 256: 79-84.

(17)   Zheng YL*, Burns JH, Liao ZY, Li YP, Yang J, Chen YJ, Zhang JL, Zheng YG. 2018. Species composition, functional and phylogenetic distances correlate with success of invasive Chromolaena odorata in an experimental test. Ecology Letters, 21: 1211-1220.

(18)   Zheng YL*, Liao ZY. 2017. High-density native-range species affects the invasive plant Chromolaena odorata more strongly than species from its invasive range. Scientific Reports, 7: 16075.

(19)   Zheng YL, Feng YL*, Zhang LK, Callaway RM, Valiente-Banuet A, Luo DQ, Liao ZY, Lei YB, Barclay GF, Silva-Pereyra C. 2015Integrating novel chemical weapons and evolutionarily increased competitive ability in success of a tropical invader. New Phytologist, 205: 1350-1359.

(20)   Zheng YL*, Feng YL, Valiente-Banuet A, Li YP, Liao ZY, Zhang JL, Chen YJ. 2015. Are invasive plants more competitive than native conspecifics? Patterns vary with competitors. Scientific Reports. 5: 15622.

(21)   Qin R-M#, Zheng Y-L#, Valiente-Banuet A, Callaway RM, Barclay GF, Silva-Pereyra C, Feng Y-L*. 2013. The evolution of increased competitive ability, innate competitive advantage, and novel biochemical weapons act in concert to promote invasion by a tropical invader. New Phytologist197: 979-988 (#共同第一作者)

(22)   Zheng YL*, Feng YL*, Liao ZY, Li WT, Xiao HF, Sui HZ. 2013. Invasive Chromolaena odorata has similar size but higher phenolic concentration than native conspecifics. Evolutionary Ecology Research, 2013, 15: 769-781.

(23)   Zheng YL*, Feng YL, Lei YB, Liao ZY. 2012. Comparisons of plastic responses to irradiance and physiological traits by invasive Eupatorium adenophorum and its native congeners. Journal of plant physiology169: 884-891.

(24)   Zheng YL*, Feng YL, Wang RF, Shi XD, Lei YB, Han LH. 2012. Invasive Eupatorium adenophorum suffers lower enemy impact on carbon assimilation than native congeners. Ecological research, 27: 867-872.

(25)   Zheng YL, Feng YL*, Lei YB, Yang CY. 2009. Different photosynthetic responses to night chilling among twelve populations of Jatropha curcas. Photosynthetica, 47: 559-566.

(26)   Zheng YL, Feng YL*, Liu WX, Liao ZY. 2009. Growth, biomass allocation, morphology, and photosynthesis of invasive Eupatorium adenophorum and its native congeners grown at four irradiances. Plant Ecology, 203: 263-271.

(27)   Tian YH, Yuan HF, Xie J, Zheng YL*. 2016. Shade tolerance and suitability of tree species for planting in rubber plantations. Southern Forests, 78: 11-18.

(28)   Tian YH, Yuan HF, Xie J, Deng JW, Dao XS, Zheng YL*. 2016. Effect of diurnal irradiance on night chilling tolerance of six rubber cultivars. Photosynthetica54: 374-380.

(29)   Li YP, Feng YL*, Kang ZL, Zheng YL, Zhang JL and Chen YJ. 2017. Changes in soil microbial communities due to biological invasions can reduce allelopathic effects. Journal of Applied Ecology, 57: 1281-1290.

(30)   Chen YJ, Bongers F, Tomlinson K, Fan ZX, Lin H, Zhang SB, Zheng YL, Li YP, Cao KF*, Zhang JL. 2016. Time lags between crown and basal sap flows in tropical lianas and co-occurring trees. Tree Physiology, 36: 736-747.

(31)   Lu HZ, Liu WY*, Yu FH, Song L, Xu XL, Wu CS, Zheng YL, Li YP, Gong HD, Chen K, Li S, Chen X, Qi JH, Lu SG. 2015. Higher clonal integration in the facultative epiphytic fern Selliguea griffithiana growing in the forest canopy compared with the forest understory. Annals of Botany, 116: 113-122.

(32)   Liao ZY, Zheng YL, Lei YB, Feng YL*. 2014. Evolutionary increases in defense during a biological invasion. Oecologia, 174: 1205-1214.

(33)   Lei YB, Zheng YL, Dai KJ, Duan BL, Cai ZQ*. 2014. Different responses of photosystem I and photosystem II in three tropical oilseed crops exposed to chilling stress and subsequent recovery. Trees-Structure and Function, 28: 923-933.

(34)   Tian YH, Lei YB, Zheng YL, Cai ZQ*. 2013. Synergistic effect of colonization with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi improves growth and drought tolerance of Plukenetia volubilis seedlings. Acta Physiologia Plantarum, 35: 687-696.

(35)   Lei YB, Wang WB, Feng YL*, Zheng YL, Gong HD. 2012. Synergistic interactions of CO2 enrichment and nitrogen deposition promote growth and ecophysiological advantages of invading Eupatorium adenophorum in Southwest China. Planta, 236: 1205-1213.

(36)   Li Z, Lei YB, Zheng YL, Feng YL*. 2011. Involvement of oxidative stress and autointoxication in leaf senescence of Amomum villosum. Plant Biosystems, 145: 762-769.

(37)   Lei YB, Feng YL*, Zheng YL, Wang RF, Gong HD, Zhang YP. 2011. Innate and evolutionary advantages of invasive Eupatorium adenophorum over native E. japonicum under ambient and doubled atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Biological Invasions, 13: 2703-2714.

(38)   Feng YL*, Lei YB, Wang RF, Callaway RM, Valiente-Banuet A, Inderjit, Li YP, Zheng YL. 2009. Evolutionary tradeoffs for nitrogen allocation to photosynthesis versus cell walls in an invasive plant. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 106: 1853-1856.

(39)   Feng YL*, Fu GL, Zheng YL. 2008. Specific leaf area relates to the differences in leaf construction cost, photosynthesis, nitrogen allocation and use efficiencies between invasive and noninvasive alien congeners. Planta, 228: 383-390.

(40)   姚向阳,李委涛,郑玉龙*. 2014. 群落组成及物种间相互作用对外来植物入侵的影响. 生态学杂志,33: 1953-1959.

(41)   李委涛,郑玉龙,冯玉龙*. 2014. 飞机草入侵种群与原产地种群生长性状的差异. 生态学报,3423:  6890-6897.

(42)   张常隆, 李扬苹, 冯玉龙*, 郑玉龙, 类延宝. 2009. 表型可塑性和局域适应在紫茎泽兰入侵不同海拔生境中的作用. 生态学报,29: 1940-1946.

(43)   郑玉龙*,类延宝,李扬平,杨成源,廖志勇,张茹. 2009. 不同种群小桐子生理及形态特性的比较研究. 生态学杂志,28: 1021-1027.

(44)   冯玉龙*, 廖志勇, , 郑玉龙, 李扬苹, 类延宝. 2009. 外来入侵植物对环境梯度和天敌逃逸的适应进化. 生物多样性,17: 340-352.

(45)   郑玉龙, 冯玉龙*. 2006. 西双版纳地区附生与非附生植物叶片对雾水的吸收. 应用生态学报,17: 977-981.

(46)   郑玉龙, 姜春玲, 冯玉龙*. 2005. 植物的气孔发生. 植物生理学通讯,41 (6): 847-850.


(1)     重要有害外来植物的入侵机制及生态过程,国家重点研发计划(高黎贡山生态功能提升与入侵植物物种防控技术)第二课题中的子课题,2022.9-2026.9, 30万元。(主持)

(2)     物种间相互作用与外来植物入侵的关系,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2022.1-2025.12, 59万元(直接经费),32171660(主持)

(3)     紫茎泽兰和本地近缘种亲缘识别能力的比较研究。国家自然科学基金面上项目,2019.1-2022.1272万元, 31870524。(主持)

(4)     飞机草扩散阻截技术的建立与示范、应急防控方案的编写,国家重点研发计划(主要入侵生物生态危害评估与防制修复技术示范研究)第二课题中的子课题, 2016.8-2018.1242.55万元。(主持)

(5)     飞机草的入侵机制-基于群落水平研究。国家自然科学基金面上项目,2017.1-2020.1274.2 万元, 31670546。(主持)

(6)     原产地和入侵地群落构成差异与飞机草入侵的关系。中科院西部之光项目,2014.10-2018.930万元。(主持)

(7)     群落结构及物种间的相互作用对飞机草入侵的影响。国家自然科学基金青年基金,2013.01-2015.1225万元,31200333。(主持)

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