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20019-20057 陕西师范大学,生命科学学院,理学学士

20059-20087 中科院西双版纳热带植物园,植物学,理学硕士

20089-20127 中科院植物研究所,植物学,理学博士






201912-至今:中国林业科学研究院(林木遗传育种国家重点实验室)-- “林木基因组与基因工程国家创新联盟理事



2、科技部 科技创新2030 重大专项 2023/09-2025/12, 80 万,子课题负责人。

3、国家重点研发计划“林业种质资源培育与质量提升”专项“林木优异种质资源形成基础与挖掘创新”2023/01-2027/12, 100, 子课题负责人

4 云南省“兴滇英才支持计划”青年人才专项 “我国西南特有松属种适应气候变化的潜力评估与造林择种策略”,20231月至 202712  68.15 主持人

5、中国科学院西部青年学者 A 伴生微生物群落在传粉榕小蜂欺骗性演化中的作用” 2022/01-2026/12,  50万,主持人。




9、云南省基础研究专项-面上项目 “结合物种适应性遗传变异评估濒危种群应对气候变化的进化潜力” 2022/06-2025/06, 10 万,主持人。

10、林木遗传育种国家重点实验室开放课题 “杂交渐渗对松属物种适应性变异进化的影响” 2021/09-2023/09  5 万, 主持人。


1、Xue Yang, Zhe Zhang, Lei Wu, Meiying Yang, Siyuan Li#, Jie Gao#. Conserved residues Lys64 and Glu78 at the Subunit Surface of Tau Glutathione transferase in Rice affect structure and enzymatic properties. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2024, 25(1), 398.

2、Wei Zhao#, Jie Gao#, David Hall, Bea Angelica Andersson, Jade Bruxaux, Kyle W. Tomlinson, Andreas D. Drouzas, Yoshihisa Suyama, and Xiao-Ru Wang. Evolutionary radiation of the Eurasian Pinus species under pervasive gene flow. New Phytologist. 2024, doi:10.1111/nph.19694. (Co-first Author)

3、Jie Gao, Kyle W. Tomlinson, Wei Zhao, Baosheng Wang, R Sedricke Lapuz, Jing-Xin Liu, Bonifacio O. Pasion, Bach Thanh Hai, Souvick Chanthayod, Jin Chen, Xiao-Ru Wang. Phylogeography and introgression between Pinus kesiya and P. yunnanensis in Southeast Asia. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 2023, 12949

4、David Hall, Wei Zhao, Alisa Heuchel, Jie Gao, Ulfstand Wennstrom, Xiao-Ru Wang. The effect of gene flow on frost tolerance in Scots pine- Latitudinal translocation of genetic material. Forest Ecology and Management, 2023, 121215.

5、Yiyi Dong, Jie Gao, Jiri Hulcr*. Insect wood borers on commercial North American tree species growing in China: review of Chinese peer-review and grey literature. Environmental Entomology. 2023, https:// doi.org/10.1093/22/nvad039. 

6、Longxin Wang, Lei-lei Li, Li Chen, Ren-Gang Zhang, Shi-Wei Zhao, Han Yan, Jie Gao, Xue Chen, Yu-Jun Si, Zhe Chen, Haibo Liu, Xiao-Man Xie, Wei Zhao, Biao Han, Xiaochun Qin, Kai-Hua Jia*. Telomere-to telomere and haplotype-resolved genome assembly of the Chinese cork oak (Quercus Variabilis). Frontiers in Plant Science. 2023. 14. 1290913.

7、Liu Hui, Ren-Gang Zhang, Biao-Feng Zhou, Zhao Shen, Xue-Yan Chen, Jie Gao, Baosheng Wang. Chromosome-scale genome assembly of sweet tea (Lithocarpus polystachyus Rehder). Scientific Data. 2023. 10(1).

8、Zhengren Zhang, Weiying Li, Yiyi Dong, Jingxin Liu, Qinying Lan, Xue Yang, Peiyao Xin, Jie Gao*. Geographic Cline and Genetic Introgression Effects on Seed Morphology Variation and Germination Fitness in Two Closely Related Pine Species in Southeast Asia. Forests, 2022,13,374:1-13.

9、Zheng-Ren Zhang, Xue Yang, Wei-Ying Li, Yan-Qiong Peng*, Jie Gao*. Comparative chloroplast genome analysis of Ficus (Moraceae): Insight into adaptative evolution and mutational hotspot regions. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2022. 10.3389.

10、          Yiyi Dong, Zheng-Ren Zhang, Sandhya Mishra, Adam Chun-Nin Wong, Jian-Feng Huang, Bo Wang, Yan-Qiong Peng* and Jie Gao*. Diversity and metabolic potentials of microbial communities associated with pollinator and cheater fig wasps in fig-fig wasp mutualism system. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2022. 10.3389.

11、          Man-Juan Huang, Alice C. Hughes, Chun-Yang Xu, Bai-Ge Miao, Jie Gao*, Yan-Qiong Peng*. Mapping the changing distribution of two important pollinating giant honeybees across 2100 years. Global Ecology and Conservation. 2022, 39, e02282.

12、          Jenjira Fungjanthuek, Man-Juan Huang, Alice C. Hughes, Jian-Feng Huang, Huan-Huan Chen, Jie Gao*, Yan-Qiong Peng*. Ecological Niche overlap and prediction of the potential distribution of two sympatric Ficus (Moraceae) species in the Indo-Burma region. Forests, 2022, 13,1420.

13、          Rao-Qiong Yang, Pei-Li Fu, Ze-Xin Fan, Shankar Panthi, Jie Gao, Ying Niu, Zong-Shan Li, Achim Brauning. Growth-climate sensitivity of two pine species shows species-specific changes along temperature and moisture gradients in southwest China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2022, 318, 108907.

14、          Jenjira Fungjanthue, Zheng-Ren Zhang, Yan-Qiong Peng, Jie Gao*. The complete chloroplast genome of two related fig species Ficus squmosa and Ficus heterostyla. Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 2022, 7(1): 236-238.

15、          Alisa Heuchel, David Hall, Wei Zhao, Jie Gao, Ulfstand Wennstrom, Xiao-Ru Wang*. Genetic diversity and background pollen contamination in Norway spruce and Scots pine seed orchard crops. Forestry Research. 2022, 2:8.

16、          Jie Gao#*, Zhi-Long Liu#, Wei Zhao, Kyle W. Tomlinson, Shang-Wen Xia, Qing-yin Zeng, Xiao-Ru Wang, Jin Chen. Combined genotype and phenotype analyses reveal patterns of genomic adaptation to local environments in the subtropical oak Quercus acutissima. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 2021, 59,541-556.

17、          Yiyi Dong, Jie Gao, Qingshan Wu, Yilang Ai, Yu Huang, Wenzhang Wei, Shiyu Sun, Qingbei Weng*. Co-occurrence pattern and function prediction of bacterial community in Karst cave. BMC Microbiology, 2020, 20, 137.

18、          Xue Yang; Zhihai Wu*; Jie Gao*. Effects of conserved Arg20, Glu74 and Asp77 on the structure and function of a tau class glutathione S-transferase in rice, Plant Molecular Biology, 2021, 105: 4. (Cover paper) ( IF 4.076)

19、          Jie Gao#, Baosheng Wang#, Jian-Feng Mao, Pär Ingvarsson, Qing-Yin Zeng, Xiao-Ru Wang*. Demography and speciation history of the homoploid hybrid pine Pinus densata on the Tibetan Plateau. Molecular Ecology, 2012, 21: 4811-4827. 

20、          Baosheng Wang#, Jian-Feng Mao #, Jie Gao#, Wei Zhao, Xiao-Ru Wang *. Colonization of the Tibetan Plateau by the homoploid hybrid pine Pinus densata. Molecular Ecology, 2011, 20: 3796-3811. (并列第一作者,Cover paper)

21、          Xue Yang, Jinch Wei, Zhihai Wu* and Jie Gao*, Effects of Substrate-Binding Site Residues on the Biochemical Properties of a Tau Class Glutathione S-Transferase from Oryza sativa. (2020) Genes, 11, 25.

22、          Jie Gao#, Tian-Hua He, Qiao-Ming Li* (2012) Traditional home-gardens and conservation of genetic diversity – a case study of Acacia pennata in southwest China. Conservation Genetics 13:891898.

23、          Jie Gao#*, Ting Lan. (2016) Functional characterization of the late embryogenesis abundant (LEA) protein gene family from Pinus tabuliformis (Pinaceae) in Escherichia coli. Scientific Reports.6: 19476. (*第一及通讯作者)

24、          Jie Gao#, Xue Yang, Wei Zhao, Tiange Lang and Tore Samuelsson*. (2015) Evolution, diversification, and expression of KNOX proteins in plants. Frontiers in Plant Science. fpls.2015.00882.

25、          Song Y# and Jie Gao* (2014) Genome-wide analysis of WRKY gene family in Arabidopsis lyrata and comparison with Arabidopsis thaliana and Populus trichocarpa.Chinese Science Bulletin. 59:754-765.

26、          Song Y#, Jie Gao* Fengxi Yang, Chai-shian Kua, Jingxin Liu, Charles H. Cannon. (2013) Molecular Evolutionary analysis of the Alfin-Like Protein family in Arabidopsis lyrate, Arabidopsis thaliana, and Thellungiella halophila. PLOS One 8: e66838. (IF=2.806) (*通讯作者)

27、          Jin Pan#, Baosheng, W, Zhi-yong Pei, Wei Zhao, Jie Gao, Jian-Feng Mao and Xiao-Ru Wang*. (2015) Optimization of the genotyping-by-sequencing strategy for population genomic analysis in conifers. Molecular Ecology Resources. 15: 711-722.

28、          李卫英,章正仁,辛雅萱,王飞,辛培尧*高洁*. 云南松、思茅松和卡西亚松天然种群间的针叶表型变异. 植物生态学报. 2023, 46(6): 833-846.

29、          徐春阳,刘秀嶶,贺春玲,高洁*,彭艳琼*. 全球变化格局下重要传粉昆虫大蜜蜂的潜在适生区变化. 昆虫学报. 2021, 64, 1313-1327.

30、          高洁#,李巧明* (2008) 云南西双版纳地区羽叶金合欢的遗传多样性研究. 生物多样性16: 271-278.

31、          高洁#,李巧明* (2008) 羽叶金合欢的DNA提取和SSR 引物筛选. 云南植物研究30: 64-68.