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[1]    Hu, H.X., Mo, Y.X., Shen, T., Wu, Y., Shi, X.M., Ai, Y.Y., Lu, H.Z., Zakari, S., Li, S.*, Song, L.*, 2022. Simulated high-intensity phorophyte removal mitigates the robustness of epiphyte community and destroys commensal network structure. Forest Ecology and Management 526, 120586.

[2]    Pu, X.Y., Li, S.*, Hu, T., Wu, Y., Lu, Z.Y., Yang, J.B., 2021. Fast restore of the structure and composition of hemiepiphytes after a heavy-snowfall event in a subtropical forest. Acta Oecologica 113, 103770.

[3]    Liu, S., Li, S.*, Fan, X.Y., Yuan, G.D., Hu, T., Shi, X.M., Huang, J.B., Pu, X.Y., Wu, C.S., 2019. Comparison of two noninvasive methods for measuring the pigment content in foliose macrolichens. Photosynthesis Research 141, 245–257.

[4]    Li, S.*, Liu, W.Y.*, Shi, X.M., Liu, S., Hu, T., Song, L., Lu, H.Z., Chen, X., Wu, C.S, 2019. Non-dominant trees significantly enhance species richness of epiphytic lichens in subtropical forests of southwest China. Fungal Ecology 37, 10-18.

[5]    Li, S.*, Liu, S., Shi, X.M., Liu, W.Y.*, Song, L., Lu, H.Z., Chen, X., Wu, C.S, 2017. Forest type and tree characteristics determine the vertical distribution of epiphytic lichen biomass in subtropical forests. Forests 8, 436.

[6]    Li, S., Liu, W.Y.*, Li, D.W., Song, L., Shi, X.M., Lu, H.Z., 2015. Species richness and vertical stratification of epiphytic lichens in subtropical primary and secondary forests in southwest China. Fungal Ecology 17, 30-40.

[7]    Li, S., Liu, W.Y.*, Li, D.W., Li, Z.X., Song, L., Chen, K., Fu, Y., 2014. Slower rates of litter decomposition of dominant epiphytes in the canopy than on the forest floor in a subtropical montane forest, southwest China. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 70, 211-220.

[8]    Li, S., Liu, W.Y.*, Li, D.W., 2013. Epiphytic lichens in subtropical forest ecosystems in southwest China: species diversity and implications for conservation. Biological Conservation 159, 88-95.

[9]    Li, S., Liu, W.Y.*, Li, D.W., 2013. Bole epiphytic lichens as potential indicators of environmental change in subtropical forest ecosystems in southwest China. Ecological Indicators 29, 93-104.

[10] Li, S., Liu, W.Y.*, Wang, L.S., Ma, W.Z., Song, L., 2011. Biomass, diversity and composition of epiphytic macrolichens in primary and secondary forests in the subtropical Ailao Mountains, southwest China. Forest Ecology and Management 261, 1760-1770.

[11] 董琳琳, 普晓妍, 张璐璐*, 宋亮, 鲁志云, 李苏*, 2021. 亚热带森林附生地衣压力-体积曲线分析及其适用性. 植物生态学报 45, 274-285.

[12] 普晓妍, 王鹏程, 李苏*, 鲁志云, 宋钰, 2021. 亚热带森林附生植物叶片气孔特征及其可塑性对光照变化的响应. 广西植物 41( 9), 1465-1475.

[13] 李苏*, 柳帅, 刘文耀, 石贤萌, 宋亮, 武传胜, 2018. 亚热带常绿阔叶林附生地衣凋落物的物种多样性和生物量的边缘效应. 菌物学报 37, 919-930.

[14] 柳帅, 李苏*, 刘文耀, 2018.亚热带山地森林附生地衣的移植生长及其对环境变化的响应. 菌物学报 37, 931-939.

[15] 李苏, 刘文耀*, 石贤萌, 柳帅, 胡涛, 黄俊彪, 陈曦, 宋亮, 武传胜, 2015. 亚热带森林系统4种附生蓝藻地衣的分布对生境变化的响应. 植物生态学报 39, 217-228.

[16] 李苏, 刘文耀*, 王立松, 杨国平, 李达文, 2007. 云南哀牢山原生林及次生林群落附生地衣物种多样性与分布. 生物多样性 15, 445-455.



[1]    2022-2025:国家自然科学基金面上项目亚热带森林附生植物群落蓝藻型地衣的氮贡献与氮转移格局研究基于氮稳定同位素技术,主持,59万元

[2]    2021-2025云南省高层次人才培养支持计划青年拔尖人才专项,主持,50万元

[3]    2021-2024:云南省应用基础研究基金面上项目亚热带森林重要生物类群地衣的水分动力学特性和利用策略研究,主持,10万元

[4]    2019-2021:中国科学院西部青年学者项目A亚热带森林附生植物对气候变暖的响应基于野外开放式增温系统,主持,50万元

[5]    2018-2021:国家自然科学基金面上项目光照调控附生植物空间分布格局的生理生态学机制研究基于受损常绿阔叶林,主持,73.6万元

[6]    2017-2020:中科院版纳植物园“135”项目突破一子课题中国西南中南半岛热带亚热带森林附生植物多样性格局及其形成机制,主持,20万元

[7]    2017-2020:中国科学院青年创新促进会专项基金,主持,80万元

[8]    2016-2019:云南省应用基础研究基金面上项目云南亚热带森林边缘效应对附生地衣物种分布和生长生理特征的影响机制,主持,10万元

[9]    2015-2017:国家自然科学基金项目山地湿性常绿阔叶林附生叶状地衣对环境变化的形态和生理响应机制,主持,24万元

[10] 2014-2016:中科院西部之光西部博士项目山地常绿阔叶林附生蓝藻地衣多样性和分布特征及其与宿主及生境因子的关系,主持,10万元