(1) SC Shao, QX Wang, KC Beng, DK Zhao, H Jacquemyn. 2020. Fungi isolated from host protocorms accelerate symbiotic seed germination in an endangered orchid species (Dendrobium chrysotoxum) from southern China. Mycorrhiza, 30: 529–539.
(2) SC Shao, Y Luo, WB Yu. 2020. The complete mitochondrial genome sequence of Lactarius trivialis (Russulalles, Basidiomycota). Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 5(3): 2078–2079.
(3) XC Xing, Q Liu, Y Gao, SC Shao, LL Guo, H Jacquemyn, ZY Zhao, SX Guo. 2020. The architecture of the network of orchid-fungus interactions in nine co-occurring Dendrobium species. Frontiers Ecology and Evolution, 8: 130.
(4) SC Shao, HP Xi, D Mohandass*. 2019. Symbiotic mycorrhizal fungi isolated via ex situ seed baiting induce seed germination of Dendrobium catenatum Lindl. (Orchidaceae). Applied ecology and environmental research, 17(4): 9753-9771.
(5) VS Ramachandran, D Mohandass, MJ Campbell, C Mammides, SC Shao*. 2019. Selective logging intensity alters the population stand structure of cullenia-mesua-palaquium dominated tropical wet evergreen forest of the western Ghats, south India. Applied ecology and environmental research, 17(4): 9591-9607.
(6) QX Wang#, SC Shao#, YC Su, XL Hu, Y Shen*, DK Zhao*. 2019. A novel case of autogamy and cleistogamy in Dendrobium wangliangii: A rare orchid distributed in the dry‐hot valley. Ecology and evolution, 9: 12906–12914.
(7) YY Meng, SC Shao, SJ Liu, JY Gao*. 2019. Do the fungi associated with roots of adult plants support seed germination? A case study on Dendrobium exile (Orchidaceae)." Global Ecology and Conservation. Online, e00582.
(8) YY Meng, XL Fan, LR Zhou, SC Shao, Q Liu, MA Selosse, JY Gao. 2019. Symbiotic fungi undergo a taxonomic and functional bottleneck during orchid seeds germination: a case study on Dendrobium moniliforme. Symbiosis, 3: 205–212.
(9) SC Shao, D. Mohandass, JT Gao. 2018. In situ symbiotic seed germination in Dendrobium spp. (Orchidaceae): implications for orchid restoration. Cah. Soc. Fr. Orch., n°, 9: 36–46.
(10) SC Shao, KS Burgess, J Cruse-Sanders, Q Liu, XL Fan, H Huang, JY Gao*. 2017. Using in situ symbiotic seed germination to restore over-collected medicinal orchids in Southwest China. Frontier in plant science, Online, 8: 888.
(11) JL Downing, H Liu, SC Shao, XL Wang, M McCormick, RY Deng, JY Gao. 2017. Contrasting changes in biotic interactions of orchid populations subject to conservation introduction vs. conventional translocation in tropical China. Biological Conservation, 212: 29–38.
(12) SC Shao, PG Liu*,XF Tian, B Buyck, YH Geng. 2016. A new species of Cantharellus (Cantharellales, Basidiomycota, Fungi) from subalpine forest in Yunnan, China. Phytotaxa, 252 (4): 273–279.
(13) SC Shao, B Buyck, XF Tian, YH Geng, PG Liu*. 2015. Cantharellus phloginus, a new species from southwestern China. Mycoscience, 57:144-149.
(14) SC Shao, B Buyck, V Hofstetter, XF Tian, YH Geng, FQ Yu, PG Liu. 2014. Cantharellus hygrophorus, a new species in subgenus Afrocantharellus from tropical southwestern China. Cryptogamie Mycologie, 35(3): 283–291.