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民族植物学 景观生态学
2000-03--2006-02   中国科学院昆明植物研究所   博士
1997-06--1998-06   Asian Institute of Management   硕士
1979-09--1983-07   中南林学院林学系   学士
1987年9月-1988年9月,英国阿伯丁(Aberdeen)大学 林学系,访问学者;
2021-09~现在, 中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园, 总工程师
2019-01~2021-09,中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园, 环境教育中心主任(兼)
2015-06~2021-07,中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园, 纪委书记
2015-02~2021-05,中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园, 园副主任
2011-05~2015-06,中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园, 国有资产管理处处长(兼)
2010-04~2015-02,中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园, 园主任助理
2010-04~2013-03,日本京都大学东南亚研究所, 特任教授
2005-11~2010-03,中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园, 科技外事处处长、民族植物学组(代理)组长
2003-07~2005-12,中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园, 正高级工程师、科技信息中心主任
1998-06~2003-07,中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园, 副研究员
1988-09~1997-06,中国科学院昆明生态研究所, 助理研究员
1987-09~1988-08,University of Aberdeen, UK, 访问学者
1983-07~1987-08,中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园, 研究实习员
2021-03-31-2024-02-01,中国民族医药学会 傣医药 分会, 副会长
2019-08-01-今,中国植物学会水生植物资源与环境专业委员会, 委员
2019-02-05-2024-02-04,云南省植物学会科学传播与科技咨询委员会, 主任委员
2019-02-05-2024-02-04,云南省植物学会民族植物学与区域发展专业委员会, 副主任委员
2018-12-01-今,中国植物学会民族植物学分会, 理事
2017-11-01-今,西双版纳傣族自治州科技进步奖评定委员会, 委员
2015-08-01-今,中国旅游景区协会, 理事
2015-04-12-今,国家生物柴油产业技术创新战略联盟, 副理事长
2013-06-05-2019-05-01,中国植物园联盟, 秘书长
2011-05-16-今,中国科学院植物园工作委员会, 秘书长
2006-06-01-今,西双版纳州翻译协会, 副理事长
2006-05-01-2011-05-01,西双版纳傣族自治州科技进步奖评定委员会 , 副主任委员
2005-11-01-2010-10-31,云南省生态学会, 副秘书长
2005-05-16-2019-02-04,云南省植物学会, 理事
1995-01-01-今,云南省翻译协会, 常务理事
[1] 张萍, 穆罕默德达哈卜, 许又凯, 胡华斌, 郭娟. 麻欠精油及其在制备治疗糖尿病药物中的应用. CN: CN105412317A, 2016-03-23.
(1) 中国科学院方树泉科技扶贫奖, , 院级, 1995
Dong-Hua Cao, Jian-Neng Yao, Peng Sun, Kai-LongJi, Xiao-Nian Li, Qiang Cai, Chun-Fen Xiao, Hua-Bin Hu, Zhi-Yong Yu, You-Kai Xu; Structurally diverse limonoids and bio-active evaluation from Trichilia connaroides,  Fitoterapia 2021, 153. 105001  ?
Sun P, Cao DH, Xiao YD, Zhang ZY, Wang JN, Shi XC, Xiao CF, Hu HB, Xu YK: Aspidoptoids A-D: Four New Diterpenoids from Aspidopterys obcordata Vine. Molecules 2020, 25(3).
Li R, Yang J-J, Song X-Z, Wang Y-F, Corlett RT, Xu Y-K, Hu H-B: Chemical Composition and the Cytotoxic, Antimicrobial, and Anti-Inflammatory Activities of the Fruit Peel Essential Oil from Spondias pinnata (Anacardiaceae) in Xishuangbanna, Southwest China. Molecules 2020, 25(2).
焦阳 邵云云, 廖景平, 黄宏文, 胡华斌, 张全发, 任海, 陈进: 中国植物园现状及未来发展策略. Bulletin of the Chinese Academy of Sciences 2019, 34(12):8.
Dahab M, Xu YK, Hu HB, Zhang P: The essential oil of Zanthoxylum myriacanthum var. pubescens attenuates diabetic nephropathy by reducing oxidative stress and inflammation. European Journal of Immunology 2019, 49:1891-1891.
Cao D-H, Sun P, Liao S-G, Gan L-S, Yang L, Yao J-N, Zhang Z-Y, Li J-F, Zheng X-L, Xiao Y-D et al: Chemical constituents from the twigs and leaves of Trichilia sinensis and their biological activities. Phytochemistry Letters 2019, 29:142-147.
Zhang H-l, Gan X-q, Fan Q-f, Yang J-j, Zhang P, Hu H-b, Song Q-s: Chemical constituents and antiinflammatory activities of Maqian (Zanthoxylum myriacanthum var. pubescens) bark extracts. Scientific Reports 2017, 7.
Na Z, Fan Q-F, Song Q-S, Hu H-B: Three new flavonoids from Millettia pachyloba. Phytochemistry Letters 2017, 19:215-219.
Na Z, Song Q-S, Hu H-B: Flavonoids from Millettia cubitti. Chemistry of Natural Compounds 2016, 52(1):117-118.
Ji K-L, Li X-N, Liao S-G, Hu H-B, Li R, Xu Y-K: Cytotoxic limonoids from the leaves of Walsura robusta. Phytochemistry Letters 2016, 15:53-56.
Fan Q, Zhang H, Hu H, Xu Y, Song Q: Quick method for separating target compounds from the bark of Maqian (Zanthoxylum myriacanthum var. pubescens) by high-performance countercurrent chromatography. Journal of Separation Science 2016, 39(20):4049-4052.
Cheng L, Ji KL, Liao SG, Gan LS, Yang L, Cao DH, Liu YQ, Guo J, Zhang P, Lu CL et al: Diterpenoids and phenanthrenones from the leaves and stems of Strophioblachia fimbricalyx. Tetrahedron Letters 2016, 57(21):2262-2265.
Zhang L, Kono Y, Kobayashi S, Hu H, Zhou R, Qin Y: The expansion of smallholder rubber farming in Xishuangbanna, China: A case study of two Dai villages. Land Use Policy 2015, 42:628-634.
Xu Y-K, Yang L, Liao S-G, Cao P, Wu B, Hu H-B, Guo J, Zhang P: Koumine, Humantenine, and Yohimbane Alkaloids from Gelsemium elegans. Journal of Natural Products 2015, 78(7):1511-1517.
Li R, Hu H-B, Li X-F, Zhang P, Xu Y-K, Yang J-J, Wang Y-F: Essential oils composition and bioactivities of two species leaves used as packaging materials in Xishuangbanna, China. Food Control 2015, 51(0):9-14.
Ji K-L, Zhang P, Li X-N, Guo J, Hu H-B, Xiao C-F, Xie X-Q, Xu Y-K: Cytotoxic limonoids from Trichilia americana leaves. Phytochemistry 2015, 118:61-67.
Fan Q-F, Zheng J-Y, Song Q-S, Na Z, Hu H-B: Chemical Constituents of the Roots of Macaranga denticulata. Chemistry of Natural Compounds 2015, 51(3):586-587.
Fan Q-F, Song Q-S, Zuo G-Y, Zheng J-Y, Na Z, Hu H-B: Chemical Constituents of the Twigs and Leaves of Glycosmis montana. Chemistry of Natural Compounds 2015, 51(3):550-551.
Shi Y, Hu H, Xu Y, Liu A: An ethnobotanical study of the less known wild edible figs (genus Ficus) native to Xishuangbanna, Southwest China. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 2014, 10.
Na Z, Song Q-S, Hu H-B: Flavonoids from Twigs of Millettia pubinervis. Natural Product Communications 2014, 9(12):1721-1722.
Li R, Yang J-j, Wang Y-f, Sun Q, Hu H-b: Chemical Composition, Antioxidant, Antimicrobial and Anti-inflammatory Activities of the Stem and Leaf Essential Oils from Piper flaviflorum from Xishuangbanna, SW China. Natural Product Communications 2014, 9(7):1011-1014.
Li R, Yang J-j, Shi Y-x, Zhao M, Ji K-l, Zhang P, Xu Y-k, Hu H-b: Chemical composition, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory activities of the essential oil from Maqian (Zanthoxylum myriacanthum var. pubescens) in Xishuangbanna, SW China. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 2014, 158, Part A(0):43-48.
Li R, Wang Y-F, Sun Q, Hu H-B: Chemical Composition and Antimicrobial Activity of the Essential Oil from Allium hookeri Consumed in Xishuangbanna, Southwest China. Natural Product Communications 2014, 9(6):863-864.
Ji K-L, Zhang P, Hu H-B, Hua S, Liao S-G, Xu Y-K: Limonoids from the Leaves and Twigs of Walsura yunnanensis. Journal of Natural Products 2014, 77(8):1764-1769.
Ji K-L, Liao S-G, Zheng X-L, Na Z, Hu H-B, Zhang P, Xu Y-K: Limonoids from the Fruits of Khaya ivorensis. Molecules 2014, 19(3):3004-3011.
Fan Q-F, Na Z, Hu H-B, Xu Y-K: Chemical compounds from the bark of Cratoxylum formosum ssp. pruniflorum (vol 50, pg 137, 2014). Chemistry of Natural Compounds 2014, 50(2):398-398.
Fan Q-F, Na Z, Hu H-B, Xu Y-K: Chemical Compounds from the Bark of Cratoxylum formosum ssp pruniflorum. Chemistry of Natural Compounds 2014, 50(1):137-138.
郑建宇 纳智, 胡华斌: 海南山小橘枝叶的化学成分研究. 中草药 2013, 44(6).
Na Z, Song Q, Hu H: Flavonoids from Twigs of Millettia leptobotrya Dunn. Records of Natural Products 2013, 7(4):307-312.
Na Z, Song Q, Hu H: A New Prenylated Xanthone from Latex of Garcinia cowa Roxb. Records of Natural Products 2013, 7(3):220-224.
Na Z, Hu H-B, Xu Y-K: Cytotoxic caged xanthones from the fruits of Garcinia bracteata. Chemistry of Natural Compounds 2013, 49(3):505-506.
范青飞 纳智, 胡华斌,许又凯,唐霆: 金丝李茎皮化学成分研究. 中草药 2012, 43(3).
Xu YK, Liao SG, Na Z, Hu HB, Li Y, Luo HR: Gelsemium alkaloids, immunosuppressive agents from Gelsemium elegans. Fitoterapia 2012, 83(6):1120-1124.
孙勇 胡华斌, 付昀,石安祥: HTML5及其对网站群的应用. 科研信息化技术与应用 2011, 2(4):89-96.
Shi YX, Xu YK, Hu HB, Na Z, Wang WH: Preliminary assessment of antioxidant activity of young edible leaves of seven Ficus species in the ethnic diet in Xishuangbanna, Southwest China. Food Chem 2011, 128(4):889-894.
Na Z, Hu HB, Fan QF: Three New Caged Prenylxanthones from Garcinia bracteata. Helvetica Chimica Acta 2010, 93(5):958-963.
Na Z, Hu HB, Fan QF: A novel caged-prenylxanthone from Garcinia bracteata. Chinese Chemical Letters 2010, 21(4):443-445.
Fu Y, Chen J, Guo H, Hu H, Chen A, Cui J: Agrobiodiversity Loss and Livelihood Vulnerability as a Consequence of Converting from Subsistence Farming Systems to Commercial Plantation-Dominated Systems in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan, China: A Household Level Analysis. Land Degradation & Development 2010, 21(3):274-284.
Fu Y, Chen J, Guo H, Hu H, Chen A, Cui J: Rain forest dwellers' livelihoods: income generation, household wealth and NTFP sales, a case study from Xishuangbanna, SW China. International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology 2009, 16(5):332-338.
Fu Y, Chen J, Guo H, Chen A, Cui J, Hu H: The role of non-timber forest products during agroecosystem shift in Xishuangbanna, southwestern China. Forest Policy and Economics 2009, 11(1):18-25.
Chen J, Cannon CH, Hu H: Tropical botanical gardens: at the in situ ecosystem management frontier. Trends in Plant Science 2009, 14(11):584-589.
许再富 黄家元, 胡华斌,周惠芳,孟令曾: 我国近30年来植物迁地保护及其研究的综述. 广西植物 2008, 28(6).
Hu H, Liu W, Cao M: Impact of land use and land cover changes on ecosystem services in Menglun, Xishuangbanna, Southwest China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 2008, 146(1-3):147-156.
Gan H-x, Hu H-b: Biodiversity conservation corridor design based on habitat selection of gaur ( Bos gaurus) A case study from Xishuangbanna, China. Shengtaixue Zazhi 2008, 27(12):2153-2158.
Zhu H, Ma Y-X, Yan L-C, Hu H-B: The relationship between geography and climate in the generic-level patterns of Chinese seed plants. Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica 2007, 45(2):134-166.
刘文俊 马友鑫, 胡华斌,曹敏,李红梅: 西双版纳勐仑地区景观格局变化定量分析. 生态学报 2006, 26(9).
胡华斌: Ethnobotanical Studies on the Traditional Ecological Knowledge of Jingpo People in Dehong,Yunnan. PhD Thesis 2006.
Zhu H, Cao M, Hu HB: Geological history, flora, and vegetation of Xishuangbanna, southern Yunnan, China. Biotropica 2006, 38(3):310-317.
Liu W, Hu H, Ma Y, Li H: Environmental and socioeconomic impacts of increasing rubber plantations in Menglun township, southwest China. Mountain Research and Development 2006, 26(3):245-253.
石安祥 孙勇, 胡华斌: 网络视频会议系统在西双版纳热带植物园的应用. 今日科技网 2005(2):60-63.
刘文俊 马友鑫, 胡华斌,曹敏,王伟: 滇南热带雨林区土地利用/覆盖变化分析--以西双版纳勐仑地区为例. 山地学报 2005, 23(1):71-79.
郭宗锋 马友鑫, 李红梅,刘文俊,胡华斌: 西双版纳流沙河流域土地利用动态与景观格局变化. 推进气象科技创新加快气象事业发展——中国气象学会2004年年会论文集(下册) 2004.
Wang JX, Liu HM, Hu HB, Gao L: Participatory approach for rapid assessment of plant diversity through a folk classification system in a tropical rainforest: Case study in Xishuangbanna, China. Conserv Biol 2004, 18(4):1139-1142.
胡华斌 和爱军: 云南省白族农户生态庭园模式研究. 中国生态农业学报 2001, 9(2).
戴 聪 胡华斌: 中国云南贫困山区农业推广发展探索. 农业科技管理 1998(08):12-16.
(1) 植物园保护国际议程, International Agenda for Botanical Gardens in Conservation, 云南科技出版社, 2001-01, 第 1 作者
(2) 生物多样性管理与可持续发展:新世纪的澜沧江-湄公河, Biodiversity Management and Sustainable Development: Lancang-Mekong River in the New Millennium, China Forestry Publishing House, 2003-07, 第 3 作者
(3) 云南生态环境、民族文化与经济社会协调发展研究, Harmonizing the Ecological Environment, Ethnic Culture and Socio-economic Development in Yunnan, 云南科技出版社, 2004-05, 第 3 作者
( 1 ) 西双版纳热带植物园迁地保护植物编目及信息标准化, 主持, 国家级, 2010-09--2014-12
( 2 ) 植物园主题库-西双版纳热带植物园, 主持, 部委级, 2010-09--2012-09
( 3 ) 湄公河上游多功能景观生物廊道碳贸易与生物多样性保护融资机制研究, 主持, 研究所(学校), 2009-04--2012-03
( 4 ) 西南民族地区重要工业原料植物调查:滇南地区重要工业原料植物调查, 主持, 国家级, 2012-05--2017-05
( 5 ) 基础科学数据库整合与集成应用-版纳植物园数据库, 主持, 部委级, 2013-06--2015-12
( 6 ) 热带特色药用植物的系统评价与定向发掘, 主持, 市地级, 2012-01--2015-12
( 7 ) 中国植物园建设, 主持, 部委级, 2016-06--2019-05
( 8 ) 中国迁地保护植物大数据平台, 主持, 部委级, 2018-01--2022-12