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Hung, N.B., Huang, J., Del Rio, C., Hoa, N.T.M., Van Truong, D., Pha, P.D., Su, T., Li, S.-F., 2025. First endocarp record of Miquelia (Icacinaceae) from the late Miocene of northern Vietnam and its phytogeographical and paleoecological implications. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 335, 105285.
Chen, W.-Y., Su, T., Li, S.-F., 2025. The leaf physiognomy of evergreen and deciduous species exhibits different responses to climate: Implications for palaeoclimate reconstruction in China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 660, 112683.
Gao, Y., Song, A., Cai, W.-J., Spicer, R.A., Zhang, R., Liu, J., Srivastava, G., Yao, X.-R., Qin, X.-Y., Tang, H., Li, S.-F., Su, T., 2025. Tibetan Plateau palm fossils prove the Kohistan-Ladakh Island Arc is a floristic steppingstone between Gondwana and Laurasia. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 334, 105255.
Zhao, J., Li, S., Huang, J., Ding, W., Wu, M., Su, T., Farnsworth, A., Valdes, P.J., Chen, L., Xing, Y., Zhou, Z., 2025. Heterogeneous occurrence of evergreen broad-leaved forests in East Asia: Evidence from plant fossils. Plant Diversity 47, 1-12.
Zhao, Y.-S., Wang, T.-X., Xiao, S.-M., Li, S.-F., Huang, J., 2025. Fossil pods of tropical tree Peltophorum (Caesalpinioideae, Fabaceae) from southwestern China. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 334, 105282.
Huang, L., Li, S., Huang, W., Jin, J., Oskolski, A.A., 2024. Late Pleistocene glacial expansion of a low-latitude species Magnolia insignis: Megafossil evidence and species distribution modeling. Ecological Indicators 158, 111519.
Huang, Y.-J., Zong, H.-R., Zhang, S.-T., Momohara, A., Hu, J.-J., Jia, L.-B., Ji, Y.-H., Zhou, Z.-K., 2024. Higher palaeoelevation in the Baoshan Basin: Implications for landscape evolution at the southeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Palaeogeography 13, 563-580.
Kunzmann, L., Huang, J., Su, T., Wu, M., Zhou, Z.-K., 2024. A new fossil Magnolia Plum. ex L. (Magnoliaceae) from Eocene Profen-Süd flora in Germany and its paleobiogeographic implications. Palaeontographica Abteilung B.
Liu, J., Song, A., Ding, L., Su, T., Zhou, Z., 2024. Paleogene integrative stratigraphy, biotas, and paleogeographical evolution of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and its surrounding areas. SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences 67, 1290-1325.
Nguyen, H.B., Huang, J., Do, T.V., Nguyen, H.M.T., Li, S.-F., Nguyen, M.T., Doan, H.D., Zhou, Z.-K., Spicer, R.A., Su, T., 2024. Monsoon influence on plant diversity in northern Indochina: Evidence from the late Miocene Yen Bai flora, northern Vietnam. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 634, 111925.
Tang, H., Cui, H., Li, S.-F., Spicer, R.A., Li, S.-H., Su, T., Zhou, Z.-K., Witkowski, C.R., Lauretano, V., Wei, G.-J., 2024. Orbital-paced silicate weathering intensity and climate evolution across the Eocene-Oligocene transition in the southeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau. Global and Planetary Change 234, 104388.
Thongsangtum, N., Huang, J., Li, S.-F., Thasod, Y., Su, T., 2024. Calophyllum (Calophyllaceae) from late Oligocene–Early Miocene of Li Basin, northern Thailand and its biogeographic and paleoclimatic implications. Palaeoworld 33, 1105-1118.
Wu, M., Huang, J., Zhou, Z., Kunzmann, L., 2024. A New Fossil Genus of Altingiaceae Based on Unlobed Leaves from Eocene Subtropical Evergreen Broad-leaved Forest in Europe. International Journal of Plant Sciences 185, 523-534.
Wu, M., Kunzmann, L., Li, S., Teodoridis, V., Zhou, Z., Su, T., 2024. Vegetation changes across the Eocene-Oligocene transition: Global signals vs. regional development. Science China Earth Sciences 67, 2937-2952.
Xiao, S.-M., Li, S.-F., Huang, J., Wang, X.-J., Wu, M.-X., Karim, R., Deng, W.-Y.-D., Su, T., 2024. Influence of climate factors on the global dynamic distribution of Tsuga (Pinaceae). Ecological Indicators 158, 111533.
Xu, S.-L., Kodrul, T., Romanov, M.S., Bobrov, A.V.F.C., Maslova, N., Li, S.-F., Fu, Q.-Y., Huang, W.-Y., Quan, C., Jin, J.-H., Huang, L.-L., 2024. Diversity of Symplocos (Symplocaceae, Ericales) at low latitudes in Asia during late Oligocene and Miocene. Plant Diversity 46, 812-816.
Zhao, Y.-S., Wang, T.-X., Jia, L.-B., Song, A., Huang, J., Su, T., 2024a. First fossil pod of Mezoneuron (Caesalpinioideae, Fabaceae) in Asia. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 325, 105111.
Zhao, Y., Wappler, T., Labandeira, C., Huang, J., Song, A., Xie, S., Jia, L., Deng, W., Su, T., 2024b. Cenozoic Dalbergia (Fabaceae) plant fossils from Southwest China: Biogeographic implications and plant-insect interactions. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 647, 112260.
贾丽荣, 邓敏, 杨毅, 苏涛, 刘佳, 黄健, 唐自华, 李树峰, 周浙昆, 2024. 植物多样性对古新世-始新世极热事件全球增温的响应——来自化石和模型模拟的证据. 第四纪研究 44, 1235-1249.
刘佳, 宋艾, 丁林, 苏涛, 周浙昆, 2024. 青藏高原及其周边古近纪综合地层、生物群与古地理演化. 中国科学: 地球科学 54, 1308-1342.
苏涛, 刘佳, 陈琳琳, 黄健, 张馨文, 吴飞翔, 倪喜军, 邓涛, 周浙昆, 2024. 希夏邦马峰高山栎类化石的再发现及其意义. 岩石学报 40, 1382-1393.
覃星源, 刘佳, 宋艾, 高毅, 陈君梅, 李树峰, 苏涛, 2024. 喜马拉雅山脉中段卓奥友峰上新世植物群的再发现及其特征. 第四纪研究 44, 1495-1508.
周浙昆, 王楠, 刘佳, 黄健, 李树峰, 苏涛, 2024. 西藏始新世狭叶梅属(Palibinia)的发现及其地质学和生物学意义. 第四纪研究 44, 1469-1481
Farnsworth, A., Valdes, P.J., Ding, L., Spicer, R.A., Li, S.-H., Su, T., Li, S.-F., Witkowski, C.R., Xiong, Z.-Y., 2023. Limits of oxygen isotope palaeoaltimetry in Tibet. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 606, 118040.
Gao, Y., Song, A., Deng, W.-Y.-D., Chen, L.-L., Liu, J., Li, W.-C., Srivastava, G., Spicer, R.A., Zhou, Z.-K., Su, T., 2023. The oldest fossil record of Bauhinia s.s. (Fabaceae) from the Tibetan Plateau sheds light on its evolutionary and biogeographic implications. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology 21, 2244495.
Huang, L.-L., Li, S.-F., Huang, W.-Y., Jin, J.-H., Oskolski, A.A., 2023. Cryptocarya chinensis from the Upper Pleistocene of South China and its biogeographic and paleoecological implications. iScience 26, 107313.
Huang, L.-L., Li, S.-F., Huang, W.-Y., Xiang, H.-L.-L., Jin, J.-H., Oskolski, A.A., 2023. Glacial expansion of cold-tolerant species in low latitudes: megafossil evidence and species distribution modelling. National Science Review 10, nwad038.
Huang, Y.-J., Momohara, A., Li, S.-F., Ji, X.-P., Qiu, J., Jia, L.-B., Hu, J.-J., Ji, Y.-H., Zhou, Z.-K., 2023. Wildfire associated with a deciduous broadleaved forest from the Neogene Baoshan Basin at the southeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Palaeogeography 12, 448-462.
Jia, L.-B., Nam, G.-S., Su, T., Yang, X., Zhou, Z.-K., Ji, Y.-H., 2023. Miocene Dipteronia (Sapindaceae) samaras from South Korea and their biogeographical implications. iScience 26, 106515.
Liu, G.-N., Ma, D.-K., Xu, C., Huang, J., Ge, B.-J., Luo, Q., Wei, Y., Liu, B.-B., 2023. Malus includes Docynia (Maleae, Rosaceae): evidence from phylogenomics and morphology. PhytoKeys 229, 47-60.
Nguyen, H.B., Huang, J., Van Do, T., Srivastava, G., Nguyen, H.M.T., Li, S.-F., Chen, L.-L., Nguyen, M.T., Doan, H.D., Zhou, Z.-K., Su, T., 2023. Pod fossils of Albizia (Fabaceae: Caesalpinioideae) from the late Miocene of northern Vietnam and their phytogeographic history. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 308, 104801.
Wu, M.-X., Huang, J., Manchester, S.R., Tang, H., Gao, Y., Wang, T.-X., Zhou, Z.-K., Su, T., 2023. A new fossil record of Palaeosinomenium (Menispermaceae) from the Upper Eocene in the southeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau and its biogeographic and paleoenvironmental implications. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 310, 104827.
Zhang, J.-W., D'Rozario, A., Wang, L., Huang, J., Li, Y., Liang, X.-Q., Zhou, Z.-K., 2023. Geographical and morphological changes of conifers in Yunnan, China during the Cenozoic in response to climatic changes. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 318, 104986.
陈馥艳, 游旨价, 张秋月, 黄健, 星耀武, 2023. 小檗科鬼臼亚科多样性格局的演化历史和成因. 生物多样性 31, 23100.
李树峰, 赵佳港, Farnsworth, A., Valdes, P.J., 刘佳, 黄健, 周浙昆, 苏涛, 2023. 新生代青藏高原生长对东亚水循环及生态系统的影响. 科学通报 68, 1567-1579.
赵弈善, 宋艾, 邓炜煜东, 黄健, 苏涛, 2023. 云南景谷早中新世翅子树属叶片化石的发现及其古生态和植物地理学意义. 第四纪研究 43, 884-898.
周浙昆, 刘佳, 陈琳琳, A.SPICER, R., 李树峰, 黄健, 张世涛, 黄永江, 贾林波, 胡瑾瑾, 苏涛, 2023. 西藏新生代植物近十年来的重要发现、认识及其意义. 中国科学:地球科学 53, 193-215.
Bhatia, H., Srivastava, G., Adhikari, P., Su, T., Utescher, T., Paudayal, K., Mehrotra, R., 2022. Asian monsoon and vegetation shift: evidence from the Siwalik succession of India. Geological Magazine 159, 1-18.
Bhatia, H., Srivastava, G., Mishra, S.R., Barman, P., Su, T., Mehrotra, R.C., Tripathi, S.C., 2022. Warm and humid Trans-Himalaya during the late Miocene: plant fossil evidence. Palaeoworld 31, 542-549.\
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Del Rio, C., Wang, T.-X., Li, S.-F., Jia, L.-B., Chen, P.-R., Spicer, R.A., Wu, F.-X., Zhou, Z.-K., Su, T., 2022. Fruits of Firmiana and Craigia (Malvaceae) from the Eocene of the Central Tibetan Plateau with emphasis on biogeographic history. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 60, 1440-1452.
Deng, W.-Y.-D., De Franceschi, D., Xu, X.-T., Del Rio, C., Low, S.L., Zhou, Z.-K., Spicer, R.A., Ren, L.-L., Yang, R.-Q., Tian, Y.-M., Wu, M.-X., Yang, J.-C., Liang, S.-Q., Wappler, T., Su, T., 2022. Plant–insect and –fungal interactions in Taxodium-like wood fossils from the Oligocene of southwestern China. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 302, 104669.
Huang, J., Spicer, R.A., Li, S.-F., Liu, J., Do, T.V., Nguyen, H.B., Zhou, Z.-K., Su, T., 2022. Long-term floristic and climatic stability of northern Indochina: Evidence from the Oligocene Ha Long flora, Vietnam. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 593, 110930.
Huang, Y.-J., Zhu, H., Su, T., Spicer, R.A., Hu, J.-J., Jia, L.-B., Zhou, Z.-K., 2022. Rise of herbaceous diversity at the southeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau: First insight from fossils. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 60, 1109-1123.
Jia, L.-B., Hu, J.-J., Zhang, S.-T., Su, T., Spicer, R., Liu, J., Yang, J.-C., Zou, P., Huang, Y.-J., Zhou, Z.-K., 2022. Bauhinia (Leguminosae) Fossils from the Paleogene of Southwestern China and Its Species Accumulation in Asia. Diversity 14, 173.
Li, W.-C., Huang, J., Chen, L.-L., Spicer, R.A., Li, S.-F., Liu, J., Gao, Y., Wu, F.-X., Farnsworth, A., Valdes, P.J., Zhou, Z.-K., Su, T., 2022. Podocarpium (Fabaceae) from the late Eocene of central Tibetan Plateau and its biogeographic implication. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 305, 104745.
Nguyen, H.B., Huang, J., Van Do, T., Jia, L.-B., Nguyen, H.M.T., Doan, H.D., Li, S.-F., Zhou, Z.-K., Su, T., 2022. First pod record of Mucuna (Papilionoideae, Fabaceae) from the late Miocene of the Yen Bai Basin, northern Vietnam. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 298, 104592.
Wu, M.-X., Huang, J., Spicer, R.A., Li, S.-F., Zhao, J.-G., Deng, W.-Y.-D., Ding, W.-N., Tang, H., Xing, Y.-W., Tian, Y.-M., Zhou, Z.-K., Su, T., 2022. The early Oligocene establishment of modern topography and plant diversity on the southeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau. Global and Planetary Change 214, 103856.
Wu, M., Huang, J., Su, T., Zhou, Z., Xing, Y., 2022. Fraxinus L. (Oleaceae) fruits from the early Oligocene of Southwest China and their biogeographic implications. Fossil Imprint 77, 287-298.
Xiao, S.-M., Li, S.-F., Wang, X.-J., Chen, L.-L., Su, T., 2022. Cedrus distribution change: past, present, and future. Ecological Indicators 142, 109159.
Xu, X.-T., Szwedo, J., Huang, D.-Y., Deng, W.-Y.-D., Obroślak, M., Wu, F.-X., Su, T., 2022. A New Genus of Spittlebugs (Hemiptera, Cercopidae) from the Eocene of Central Tibetan Plateau, Insects, 770.
Zhang, X.-W., Gélin, U., Spicer, R.A., Wu, F.-X., Farnsworth, A., Chen, P., Del Rio, C., Li, S.-F., Liu, J., Huang, J., Spicer, T.E.V., Tomlinson, K.W., Valdes, P.J., Xu, X.-T., Zhang, S.-T., Deng, T., Zhou, Z.-K., Su, T., 2022. Rapid Eocene diversification of spiny plants in subtropical woodlands of central Tibet. Nature Communications 13, 3787.
Zhao, J.-G., Li, S.-F., Farnsworth, A., Valdes, P.J., Reichgelt, T., Chen, L.-L., Zhou, Z.-K., Su, T., 2022. The Paleogene to Neogene climate evolution and driving factors on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Science China Earth Sciences 65, 1339-1352.
赵佳港, 李树峰, FARNSWORTH, A., J.VALDES, P., REICHGELT, T., 陈琳琳, 周浙昆, 苏涛, 2022. 古近纪至新近纪青藏高原的气候演变及其驱动因素. 中国科学:地球科学 52, 1562-1576.
Aung, A.T., Del Rio, C., Wang, T.-X., Liu, J., Spicer, T.E.V., Su, T., 2021. Fossil fruits and pollen grains of Trapa from the Upper Pliocene of the Sanying Formation (Yunnan, China). Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 293, 104498.
Chen, L.-L., Deng, W.-Y.-D., Su, T., Li, S.-F., Zhou, Z.-K., 2021. Late Eocene sclerophyllous oak from Markam Basin, Tibet, and its biogeographic implications. Science China Earth Sciences 64, 1969-1981.
Del Rio, C., Huang, J., Liu, P., Deng, W.-Y.-D., Spicer, T.E.V., Wu, F.-X., Zhou, Z.-K., Su, T., 2021. New Eocene fossil fruits and leaves of Menispermaceae from the central Tibetan Plateau and their biogeographic implications. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 59, 1287-1306.
Del Rio, C., Wang, T.-X., Xu, X.-T., Sabroux, R., Spicer, T.E.V., Liu, J., Chen, P.-R., Wu, F.-X., Zhou, Z.-K., Su, T., 2021. Ventilago (Rhamnaceae) Fruit from the Middle Eocene of Central Tibet, China. International Journal of Plant Sciences 182, 638-648.
Deng, T., Wu, F.-X., Wang, S.-Q., Su, T., Zhou, Z.-K., 2021. Major turnover of biotas across the Oligocene/Miocene boundary on the Tibetan Plateau. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 567, 110241.
Farnsworth, A., Valdes, P.J., Spicer, R.A., Ding, L., Witkowski, C., Lauretano, V., Su, T., Li, S.-F., Li, S.-H., Zhou, Z.-K., 2021. Paleoclimate model-derived thermal lapse rates: Towards increasing precision in paleoaltimetry studies. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 564, 116903.
Huang, Y.-J., Shen, H., Jia, L.-B., Li, S.-F., Su, T., Nam, G.-S., Zhu, H., Zhou, Z.-K., 2021. Macroscopic fossil charcoals as proxy of a local fire linked to conifer-rich forest from the late Pliocene of northwestern Yunnan, Southwest China. Palaeoworld 30, 551-561.
Jia, L.-B., Huang, J., Su, T., Spicer, R.A., Zhang, S.-T., Li, S.-F., Pan, B., Nam, G.-S., Huang, Y.-J., Zhou, Z.-K., 2021. Fossil infructescence from southwestern China reveals Paleogene establishment of Cladrastis in Asia. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 292, 104456.
Jia, L.-B., Nam, G.-S., Su, T., Stull, G.W., Li, S.-F., Huang, Y.-J., Zhou, Z.-K., 2021. Fossil fruits of Firmiana and Tilia from the middle Miocene of South Korea and the efficacy of the Bering land bridge for the migration of mesothermal plants. Plant Diversity 43, 480-491.
Li, S.-F., Valdes, P., Farnsworth, A., Davies-Barnard, T., Su, T., Lunt, D., Spicer, R., Liu, J., Deng, W.-Y.-D., Huang, J., He, T., Ridgwell, A., Chen, L.-L., Zhou, Z.-K., 2021. Orographic evolution of northern Tibet shaped vegetation and plant diversity in eastern Asia. Science Advances 7, eabc7741.
Liu, J., Wang, T.-X., Zhang, X.-W., Song, A., Li, S.-F., Huang, J., Spicer, T., Spicer, R.A., Wu, F.-X., Su, T., Zhou, Z.-K., 2021. Snapshot of the Pliocene environment of West Kunlun region, Northwest China. Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments 101, 163-176.
Song, A., Liu, J., Liang, S.-Q., Do, V.T., Nguyen, B.H., Deng, W.-Y.-D., Jia, L.-B., Del Rio, C., Srivastava, G., Feng, Z., Zhou, Z.-K., Huang, J., Su, T., 2021. Leaf fossils of Sabalites (Arecaceae) from the Oligocene of northern Vietnam and their paleoclimatic implications. Plant Diversity 44, 406-416.
Spicer, R.A., Su, T., Valdes, P.J., Farnsworth, A., Wu, F.-X., Shi, G.-L., Spicer, T.E.V., Zhou, Z.-K., 2021. The topographic evolution of the Tibetan Region as revealed by palaeontology. Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments 101, 213-243.
Srivastava, G., Farnsworth, A., Bhatia, H., Mehrotra, R.C., Shekhar, M., Su, T., Utescher, T., Valdes, P.J., 2021. Climate and vegetation change during the Upper Siwalik—a study based on the palaeobotanical record of the eastern Himalaya. Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments 101, 103-121.
Tian, Y.-M., Spicer, R., Huang, J., Zhou, Z.-K., Su, T., Widdowson, M., Jia, L.-B., li, S.-H., Wu, W.-J., Xue, L., Luo, P.-H., Zhang, S.-T., 2021. New early oligocene zircon U-Pb dates for the ‘Miocene’ Wenshan Basin, Yunnan, China: Biodiversity and paleoenvironment. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 565, 116929.
Xu, X.-T., Deng, W.-Y.-D., Zhou, Z.-K., Wappler, T., Su, T., 2021. The first Fulgoridae (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha) from the Eocene of the central Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau. Fossil Record 24, 263-274.
Zhang, J.-W., Wang, L., D’Rozario, A., Liang, X.-Q., Huang, J., Zhou, Z.-K., 2021. Pinus leptokrempfii, an Oligocene Relative of the Flat-Needled Pine PINUS krempfii (Pinaceae) from China: Implications for Paleogeographic Origin. International Journal of Plant Sciences 182, 389-400.
陈琳琳, 邓炜煜东, 苏涛, 李树峰, 周浙昆, 2021. 西藏芒康晚始新世高山栎组化石的发现及其生物地理学意义. 中国科学:地球科学 51, 2150-2162
Aung, A., Huang, J., Do, T., Ai, S., Liu, J., Zhou, Z.-K., Su, T., 2020. Three new fossil records of Equisetum (Equisetaceae) from the Neogene of south-western China and northern Vietnam. PhytoKeys 138, 3-15.
Biswas, A., Bera, M., Khan, M.A., Spicer, R.A., Spicer, T.E.V., Acharya, K., Bera, S., 2020. Evidence of fungal decay in petrified legume wood from the Neogene of the Bengal Basin, India. Fungal Biology 124, 958-968.
Chen, W.-Y., Su, T., 2020. Asian monsoon shaped the pattern of woody dicotyledon richness in humid regions of China. Plant Diversity 42, 148-154.
Del Rio, C., Huang, J., Stull, G., Allemand, R., Zhou, Z.-K., Su, T., 2020. First macrofossil record of Icacinaceae in East Asia (early Oligocene, Wenshan Basin) and its ecological implications. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 60, 445-455.
Del Rio, C., Wang, T.-X., Liu, J., Liang, S.-Q., Spicer, R., Wu, F.X., Zhou, Z.-K., Su, T., 2020. Asclepiadospermum gen. nov., the earliest fossil record of Asclepiadoideae (Apocynaceae) from the early Eocene of central Qinghai‐Tibetan Plateau, and its biogeographic implications. American Journal of Botany 107, 126-138.
Del Rio, C., Wang, T.-X., Wu, F.-X., Liang, X.-Q., Spicer, T.E.V., Zhou, Z.-K., Su, T., 2020. Fossil record of Ceratophyllum aff. muricatum Cham. (Ceratophyllaceae) from the middle Eocene of central Tibetan Plateau, China. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 281, 104284.
Deng, T., Wu, F.-X., Zhou, Z.-K., Su, T., 2020a. Tibetan Plateau: An evolutionary junction for the history of modern biodiversity. Science China Earth Sciences 63, 172-187.
Deng, W.-Y.-D., Su, T., Wappler, T., Liu, J., Li, S.-F., Huang, J., Tang, H., Low, S.L., Wang, T.-X., Xu, H., Xu, X.-T., Liu, P., Zhou, Z.-K., 2020b. Sharp changes in plant diversity and plant-herbivore interactions during the Eocene–Oligocene transition on the southeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Global and Planetary Change 194, 103293.
Ding, W.-N., Ree, R.H., Spicer, R.A., Xing, Y.-W., 2020. Ancient orogenic and monsoon-driven assembly of the world’s richest temperate alpine flora. Science 369, 578-581.
Fan, Y.-K., Wang, L., Su, T., Lan, Q.-Y., 2020. Spring drought as a possible cause for disappearance of native Metasequoia in Yunnan Province, China: Evidence from seed germination and seedling growth. Global Ecology and Conservation 22, e00912.
Huang, J., Su, T., Li, S.-F., Wu, F.-X., Deng, T., Zhou, Z.-K., 2020. Pliocene flora and paleoenvironment of Zanda Basin, Tibet, China. Science China Earth Sciences 63, 212-223.
Huang, Y.-J., Jia, L.-B., Su, T., Zhu, H., Momohara, A., Gu, Z.-J., Zhou, Z.-K., 2020. A warm-temperate forest of mixed coniferous type from the upper Pliocene Sanying Formation (southeastern edge of Tibetan Plateau) and its implications for palaeoecology and palaeoaltimetry. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 538, 109486.
Li, S.-H., Su, T., Spicer, R., Xu, C.-L., Sherlock, S., Halton, A., Hoke, G., Tian, Y.-M., Zhang, S.-T., Zhou, Z.-K., Deng, C.-L., Zhu, R.-X., 2020. Oligocene Deformation of the Chuandian Terrane in the SE Margin of the Tibetan Plateau Related to the Extrusion of Indochina. Tectonics 39, e2019TC005974.
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Su, T., Jacques, F., Spicer, R., Liu, Y.-S., Huang, Y.-J., Xing, Y.-W., Zhou, Z.-K., 2013a. Post-Pliocene establishment of the present monsoonal climate in SW China: Evidence from the late Pliocene Longmen megaflora. Climate of the Past 9, 1911-1920.
Su, T., Jacques, F.M.B., Ma, H.-J., Zhou, Z.-K., 2013b. Fossil fruits of Ailanthus confucii from the Upper Miocene of Wenshan, Yunnan Province, southwestern China. Palaeoworld 22, 153-158.
Su, T., Liu, Y.-S., Jacques, F.M.B., Huang, Y.-J., Xing, Y.-W., Zhou, Z.-K., 2013c. The intensification of the East Asian winter monsoon contributed to the disappearance of Cedrus (Pinaceae) in southwestern China. Quaternary Research 80, 316-325.
Su, T., Spicer, R., Liu, Y.-S., Huang, Y.-J., Xing, Y.-W., Jacques, F., Chen, W.-Y., Zhou, Z.-K., 2013d. Regional constraints on leaf physiognomy and precipitation regression models: A case study from China. Bulletin of Geosciences 88, 595 - 608.
Wang, L., Jacques, F.M.B., Su, T., Xing, Y.-W., Zhang, S.-T., Zhou, Z.-K., 2013. The earliest fossil bamboos of China (middle Miocene, Yunnan) and their biogeographical importance. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 197, 253-265.
Wang, W.-M., Zhou, Z.-K., 2013. Neogene climate evolution in Eastern Eurasia with special reference to floral changes under the influence of monsoon. Palaeoworld 22, 73–76.
Xing, Y.-W., Hu, J.-J., Jacques, F., Wang, L., Su, T., Huang, Y.-J., Liu, Y.-S., Zhou, Z.-K., 2013a. A New Quercus species from the upper Miocene of southwestern China and its ecological significance. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 193, 99-109.
Xing, Y.-W., Liu, Y.-S., Su, T., Jacques, F.M.B., Zhou, Z.-K., 2013b. A new Tsuga species from the upper Miocene of Yunnan, southwestern China and its palaeogeographic significance. Palaeoworld 22, 159-167.
胡茜, 星耀武, 胡瑾瑾, 黄永江, 马宏杰, 周浙昆, 2013. 中新世以来黄毛青冈复合群(Quercus delavayi complex)气孔及叶表皮毛密度的演变. 科学通报 58, 11.
Chen, S.-T., Xing, Y.-W., Su, T., Zhou, Z.-K., Dilcher, D., Soltis, D., 2012. Phylogeographic analysis reveals significant spatial genetic structure of Incarvillea sinensis as a product of mountain building. BMC plant biology 12, 58.
Huang, Y.-J., Jacques, F., Su, T., Xing, Y.-W., Xiao, X.-H., Zhou, Z.-K., 2012. New fossil endocarps of Sambucus (Adoxaceae) from the upper Pliocene in SW China. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 171, 152–163.
Wang, N., Milne, R., Jacques, F., Sun, B.-L., Zhang, C.-Q., Yang, J.-B., 2012a. Phylogeny and a revised classification of the Chinese species of Nyssa (Nyssaceae) based on morphological and molecular data. Taxon 61, 344-354.
Wang, W., Ortiz, R., Jacques, F., Xiang, X.-G., Li, H.-L., Lin, L., Li, R.-Q., Liu, Y., Soltis, P., Soltis, D., Chen, Z.-D., 2012b. Menispermaceae and the diversification of tropical rainforests near the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary. The New phytologist 195, 470-478.
Xia, K., Daws, M.I., Hay, F.R., Chen, W.-Y., Zhou, Z.-K., Pritchard, H.W., 2012. A comparative study of desiccation responses of seeds of Asian Evergreen Oaks, Quercus subgenus Cyclobalanopsis and Quercus subgenus Quercus. South African Journal of Botany 78, 47-54.
Xing, Y.-Y., Utescher, T., Jacques, F.M.B., Su, T., Liu, Y.-S., Huang, Y.-J., Zhou, Z.-K., 2012. Paleoclimatic estimation reveals a weak winter monsoon in southwestern China during the late Miocene: Evidence from plant macrofossils. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 358-360, 19-26.
Zhang, M.-G., Zhou, Z.-K., Chen, W.-Y., Slik, J.W.F., Cannon, C.H., Raes, N., 2012. Using species distribution modeling to improve conservation and land use planning of Yunnan, China. Biological Conservation 153, 257-264.
Frédéric, M.B.J., Liu, Y.-S., Edoardo, M., Zhe-Kun, Z., 2011. Revised taxonomy of selected fossil endocarp species in the Menispermaceae using a morphometric approach. Geodiversitas 33, 177-197.
Jacques, F., Wang, W., Ortiz, R., Li, H.-L., Zhou, Z.-K., Chen, Z.-D., 2011a. Integrating fossils in a molecular-based phylogeny and testing them as calibration points for divergence time estimates in Menispermaceae. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 49, 25-49.
Jacques, F.M.B., Guo, S.-X., Su, T., Xing, Y.-W., Huang, Y.-J., Liu, Y.-S., Ferguson, D.K., Zhou, Z.-K., 2011b. Quantitative reconstruction of the Late Miocene monsoon climates of southwest China: A case study of the Lincang flora from Yunnan Province. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 304, 318-327.
Liu, Y.-S., Utescher, T., Zhou, Z.-K., Sun, B.-N., 2011. The evolution of Miocene climates in North China: Preliminary results of quantitative reconstructions from plant fossil records. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 304, 308-317.
Su, T., Jacques, F.M.B., Liu, Y.-S., Xiang, J.-Y., Xing, Y.-W., Huang, Y.-J., Zhou, Z.-K., 2011. A new Drynaria (Polypodiaceae) from the Upper Pliocene of Southwest China. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 164, 132-142.
Wang, N., Jacques, F., Milne, R., Zhang, C.-Q., Yang, J.-B., 2011. DNA barcoding of Nyssaceae (Cornales) and taxonomic issues. Botanical Studies 53, 265-274.
Yu, W.T., Chen, S.T., Zhou, Z.-K., 2011. Microula pentagona sp. nov. and M. galactantha sp. nov. (Boraginaceae) from the eastern Qinghai‐Tibetan Plateau. Nordic Journal of Botany 29, 215-220.
Ayodele, A., Zhou, Z.-K., 2010. Scanning electron microscopy of fruits in the West African Polygonaceae. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 48, 336-343.
Chen, S.-T., Gong, J., Guan, K.-Y., Zhou, Z.-K., 2010. Biodiversity Conservation of the Genus Incarvillea Juss. (Bignoniaceae) Based on Molecular Diversity and Species Richness Assessment. Journal of Plant Biology 53, 387-394.
Deng, M., Zhou, Z.-K., Coombes, A., 2010. Lectotypification and New Synonymy in Quercus subg. Cyclobalanopsis (Fagaceae). Novon: A Journal for Botanical Nomenclature 20, 400-405.
Jacques, F., Zhou, Z.-K., 2010. Geometric morphometrics: A powerful tool for the study of shape evolution in Menispermaceae endocarps. Taxon 59, 881-895.
Su, T., Xing, Y.-W., Liu, Y.-S., Dé, F., Jacques, R., Chen, W.-Y., Huang, Y.J., Zhou, Z.-K., 2010. Leaf margin analysis: A new equation from humid to mesic forests in China. Palaios 25, 234-238.
Xia, K., Seal, C., Chen, W.-Y., Zhou, Z.-K., Pritchard, H., 2010. Fruit oil contents of the genus Quercus (Fagaceae): A comparative study on acorns of subgenus Quercus and the Asian subgenus Cyclobalanopsis. Seed Science and Technology 38, 136-145.
Xing, Y.-W., Liu, Y.-S., Su, T., Jacques, F.M.B., Zhou, Z.-K., 2010. Pinus prekesiya sp. nov. from the upper Miocene of Yunnan, southwestern China and its biogeographical implications. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 160, 1-9.
Yang, Y., Zhou, Z.-K., 2010. New insights into the species problem. Science China. Life sciences 53, 964-972.
黄永江, 苏涛, 星耀武, 周浙昆, 2010. 两种古海拔重建方法及山旺中中新世古海拔的定量重建. 古生物学报 49, 532-538.
星耀武, 刘裕生, 苏涛, 周浙昆, 2010. X-射线CT扫描技术在中新世松属球果化石研究中的应用. 古生物学报 49, 5.
杨永, 周浙昆, 2010. 物种——老问题新看法. 中国科学 40, 311-320.
Li, X.-X., Zhou, Z.-K., 2009. Phylogenetic studies of the core Alismatales inferred from morphology and rbcL sequences. Progress in Natural Science 19, 931-945.
Liu, M.Q., Deng, M., Zhou, Z.-K., 2009. Taxonomic and ecological implications of leaf cuticular morphology in Castanopsis, Castanea, and Chrysolepis. Plant Systematics and Evolution 283, 111-123.
Xia, K., Su, T., Liu, Y.-S., Xing, Y.-W., Jacques, F.M.B., Zhou, Z.-K., 2009. Quantitative climate reconstructions of the late Miocene Xiaolongtan megaflora from Yunnan, southwest China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 276, 80-86.
Yang, Q.-S., Chen, W.-Y., Xia, K., Zhou, Z.-K., 2009. Climatic envelope of evergreen sclerophyllous oaks and their present distribution in the eastern Himalaya and Hengduan Mountains. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 47, 183-190.
苏涛, 星耀武, 杨青松, 周浙昆, 2009. 基于叶缘分析法定量重建中国始新世植物群的年均温. 古生物学报 48, 65-72.
杨青松, 星耀武, 周浙昆, 2009. 亚洲季风区铁杉属现代分布区及其气候特征. 云南植物研究 31, 389-398.
Deng, M., Zhou, Z.-K., Chen, Y.Q., Sun, W.-B., 2008. Systematic Significance of the Development and Anatomy of Flowers and Fruit of Quercus schottkyana (Subgenus Cyclobalanopsis : Fagaceae). International Journal of Plant Sciences 169, 1261-1277.
Li, H.-Z., Ma, H., Zhou, Z.-K., Guan, K.-Y., 2008. A new species of Begonia (Begoniaceae) from Guangxi, China. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 157, 83-90.
Mitsui, Y., Chen, S.-T., Zhou, Z.-K., Peng, C.-I., Deng, Y.-F., Setoguchi, H., 2008. Phylogeny and Biogeography of the Genus Ainsliaea (Asteraceae) in the Sino-Japanese Region based on Nuclear rDNA and Plastid DNA Sequence Data. Annals of Botany 101, 111-124.
Wang, Y., Deng, M., Zhang, S.-Y., Zhou, Z.-K., Tian, W.-X., 2008. Parasitic loranthus from Loranthaceae rather than Viscaceae potently inhibits fatty acid synthase and reduces body weight in mice. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 118, 473-478.
Xia, K., Zhou, Z.-K., Chen, W.-Y., Sun, W.-B., 2008. Rescuing the Sichou oak Quercus sichourensis in China. Oryx 42, 13-18.
Zhang, Z.-Y., Du, N., Pu, C.-X., Gu, Z.-J., Zhou, Z.-K., 2008. Environmental heterogeneity decides bio-heterogeneity of the Spiraea japonica complex (Rosaceae) in China. Australian Journal of Botany - AUST J BOT 56, 91-95.
陈亚琼, 邓敏, 周浙昆, 2008. 壳斗演化的假说及分子系统学和化石证据. 植物分类学报 46, 41-52.
Ji, Y.-H., 2007. Four new synonyms in the genus Paris (Trilliaceae). Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica 45, 388-390.
Li, H.-M., Zhou, Z.-K., 2007a. Fossil nothofagaceous leaves from the Eocene of western Antarctica and their bearing on the origin, dispersal and systematics of Nothofagus. Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences 50, 1525-1535.
Li, X.-X., Zhou, Z.-K., 2007b. The higher-level phylogeny of monocots based on matK, rbcL and 18S rDNA sequences. Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica 45, 113-133.
Ma, C.-L., Moseley, R., Chen, W.-Y., Zhou, Z.-K., 2007. Plant diversity and priority conservation areas of Northwestern Yunnan, China. Biodiversity and Conservation 16, 757-774.
Oginuma, K., Sato, H., Kono, Y., Chen, S.-T., Zhou, Z.-K., Peng, C.-I., Momohara, A., Yukawa, T., Setoguchi, H., 2007. Intraspecific polyploidy of Houttuynia cordata and evolution of chromosome number in the Saururaceae. Chromosome Botany 2, 87-91.
Zhang, S.-B., Zhou, Z.-K., Hu, H., Xu, K., 2007. Gas exchange and resource utilization in two alpine oaks at different altitudes in the Hengduan Mountains. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 37, 1184-1193.
Zhou, Z.-K., Yang, Q.-S., Xia, K., 2007. Fossils of Quercus sect. Heterobalanus can help explain the uplift of the Himalayas. Chinese Science Bulletin 52, 238-247.
陈文允, 纪运恒, 邓敏, 陈绍田, 周浙昆, 2007. 西畴青冈———贵州壳斗科一新记录种. 云南植物研究 29, 395-396.
Chen, S.-T., Guan, K.-Y., Zhou, Z.-K., 2006. A new subgenus of Incarvillea (Bignoniaceae). Annales Botanici Fennici 43, 288-290.
Deng, M., Zhou, Z.-K., Coombes, A., 2006. Taxonomic Notes on the Genus Cyclobalanopsis (Fagaceae). Annales Botanici Fennici 43, 57-61.
Ji, Y.-H., Fritsch, P.W., Li, H., Xiao, T.-J., Zhou, Z.-K., 2006a. Phylogeny and Classification of Paris (Melanthiaceae) Inferred from DNA Sequence Data. Annals of Botany 98, 245-256.
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陈文允, 普春霞, 周浙昆, 2006. 云南野生花卉数据库的建立及应用. 西部林业科学 35, 5.
陈亚琼, 肖调江, 周浙昆, 2006. 热激蛋白与生物环境适应及进化的关系. 自然科学进展 16, 1066-1073.
李晓贤, 周浙昆, 2006. 单子叶植物科级分类阶元形态性状分支分析. 云南植物研究 28, 241-249.
刘孟奇, 周浙昆, 2006. 栲属(壳斗科)植物的现代和地史分布. 云南植物研究 28, 223-235.
刘涛, 李晓贤, 徐平珍, 周浙昆, 胡运乾, 2006. 板栗MADS-box蛋白基因(CmMADS3)的克隆和表达分析. 植物分类与资源学报 28, 295-299.
马长乐, 周浙昆, 2006. ITS假基因对栎属系统学研究的影响及其对分子系统学研究的启示. 云南植物研究 28, 127-132.
向小果, 曹明, 周浙昆, 2006. 松科冷杉属植物的化石历史和现代分布. Plant Diversity 28, 439-452.
Chen, S.-T., Guan, K.-Y., Zhou, Z.-K., Olmstead, R., Cronk, Q., 2005. Molecular phylogeny of Incarvillea (Bignoniaceae) based on ITS and trnL-F sequences. American Journal of Botany 92, 625-633.
Li, X.-X., Zhou, Z.-K., 2005. Endemic Wild Ornamental Plants from Northwestern Yunnan, China. HortScience: a publication of the American Society for Horticultural Science 40, 1612-1619.
Zhang, S.-B., Hu, H., Zhou, Z.-K., Xu, K., Yan, N., Li, S.-Y., 2005a. Photosynthesis in Relation to Reproductive Success of Cypripedium flavum. Annals of Botany 96, 43-49.
Zhang, S.-B., Zhou, Z.-K., Hu, H., Xu, K., Yan, N., Li, S.-Y., 2005b. Photosynthetic performances of Quercus pannosa vary with altitude in the Hengduan Mountains, southwest China. Forest Ecology and Management 212, 291-301.
王淑霞, 胡运乾, 周浙昆, 2005. 灰背栎遗传多样性和遗传结构的AFLP指纹分析. 云南植物研究 27, 49-58.
吴征镒, 孙航, 周浙昆, 彭华, 李德铢, 2005. 中国植物区系中的特有性及其起源和分化. 云南植物研究 27, 577-601+570.
周浙昆, Momohara, A., 2005. 一些东亚特有种子植物的化石历史及其植物地理学意义. 云南植物研究 27, 3-24.
Chen, S.-T., Zhou, Z.-K., Guan, K.-Y., Nakata, M., 2004. Karyomorphology of Incarvillea (Bignoniaceae) and its implications in distribution and taxonomy. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 144, 113-121.
邓敏, 周浙昆, 2004. 滇西北高山流石滩植物多样性. 云南植物研究 26, 23-34.
陈绍田, 管开云, 周浙昆, Fujiki, T., 2003. 角蒿属(紫葳科)的花粉形态. 云南植物研究 25, 457-464.
李晓贤, 陈文允, 管开云, 周浙昆, 2003. 滇西北野生观赏花卉调查. 云南植物研究 25, 435-446.
税玉民, 张广杰, 陈文红, 莫明忠, 周浙昆, 2003. 中越边境西隆山(中国部分)的山地苔藓林. 云南植物研究 25, 397-414.
吴征镒, 周浙昆, 李德铢, 彭华, 孙航, 2003. 世界种子植物科的分布区类型系统. 云南植物研究 25, 245-257.
杨青松, 陈绍田, 周浙昆, 2003. 云南迪庆州传统藏药雪莲资源的保护和可持续利用. 云南植物研究 25, 297-302.
张广杰, 税玉民, 陈文允, 周浙昆, 2003. 中越边境西隆山自然保护区的植物调查. 广西植物 23, 511-516.
周浙昆, 普春霞, 陈文允, 2003. 青藏高原隆起和高山栎组(壳斗科)分布的关系. 地球科学进展 18, 884-890.
Luo, Y., Zhou, Z.-K., 2002. Leaf architecture in Quercus subgenus Cyclobalanopsis (Fagaceae) from China. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 140, 283-295.
Shui, Y.-M., Zhang, G.-J., Zhou, Z.-K., Mo, M.-Z., 2002. Sladenia integrifolia (Sladeniaceae), a New Species from China. Novon A Journal for Botanical Nomenclature 12, 539-542.
Zhou, Z.-K., Zhang, Z.-Y., Gu, Z.-J., 2002. Karyomorphology of Heptacodium (Caprifoliaceae s.str.) and Its Phylogenetic Implications. Taxon 51, 499-505.
曹明, 周浙昆, 2002. 中国栎属植物花粉形态及其系统学意义. 广西植物 22, 14-18+99-103.
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