1. Jingxian Wang, Xue Bai, Yiqing Su, Hongjun Deng, Li Cai, Xin Ming, Yan-Bin Tao, Huiying He, Zeng-Fu Xu*, Mingyong Tang*. 2023. JcSEUSS1 negatively regulates reproductive organ development in perennial woody Jatropha curcas,planta. 258, 88. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00425-023-04244-7
2. 丁立秀,白雪,朱万先,邓红军,唐明勇*.2023. 农杆菌介导的星油藤遗传转化体系创建[J/OL].分子植物育种2023. https://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/46.1068.S.20230330.1353.012.html
3. 成统, 白雪, 钱容, 段柱标, 席会鹏, 唐明勇*. 2023. 轻木萌发条件、低温耐受性及最适pH 值条件探索[J/OL]. 四川林业科技, 2023, 44(4) [2023-03-21]. https://doi.org/10.12172/202210230003.
4. 席会鹏,张红伟,朱万先,苏懿清,张远辉,唐明勇* . 轻木花粉的储存条件探索[J/OL].分子植物育种.
5. Mingyong Tang*, Xue Bai, Jingxian Wang, Tao Chen, Xin Meng, Hongjun Deng, Chaoqiong Li, Zeng-Fu Xu*. 2022. Efficiency of graft-transmitted JcFT for floral induction in woody perennial species of the Jatropha genus depends on transport distance. Tree Physiology. 42(1), 189–201. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/treephys/tpab116 [Cover image]
6. Mei?Li Zhao#, Zhi?Fang Zhou#, Mao?Sheng Chen*, Chuan?Jia Xu, Zeng?Fu Xu*. 2022. An ortholog of the MADS box gene SEPALLATA3 regulates stamen development in the woody plant Jatropha curcas. Planta. 255: 111. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00425-022-03886-3
7. Xue Bai, Jiapeng Ke, Ping Huang, Iza Fatima, Tong Cheng, Mingyong Tang*. 2022. Promotion of natural flowers by JcFT depends on JcLFY in the perennial woody species Jatropha curcas. Plant science. 318: 111236. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.plantsci.2022.111236
8. Zhang Ming-Jun, Fu Qiantang, Chen Mao-Sheng, He Huiying, Tang Mingyong, Ni Jun, Tao Yan-Bin*, Xu Zeng-Fu*. 2022. Characterization of the bark storage protein gene (JcBSP) family in the perennial woody plant Jatropha curcas and the function of JcBSP1 in Arabidopsis thaliana. PeerJ.10:e12938. DOI: http://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.12938
9. Chun.-Hui. Hao#, Xia. Chai#, F.u-Chuan. Wu*, Zeng.-Fu. Xu*. 2021. First Report of Collar Rot in Purple Passion Fruit (Passiflora edulis) Caused by Neocosmospora solani in Yunnan province, China. Plant Disease. Published Online: https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-01-21-0126-PDN
10. Zhang, X., Li, J., Pan, B.-Z., Chen, W., Chen, M., Tang, M., Xu, Z.-F.*, Liu, C.* (2021). Extended mining of the oil biosynthesis pathway in biofuel plant Jatropha curcas by combined analysis of transcriptome and gene interactome data. BMC Bioinformatics 22 (6): 409. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12859-021-04319-w
11. 陈涛,白雪,张甜甜,唐明勇*,徐增富*. 2021. 拟南芥和小桐子中超量表达rJcSPL9导致花丝缩短。分子植物育种, 2021-11-09网络首发. Chen Tao, Bai Xue, Zhang Tiantian, Tang Mingyong*, Xu Zengfu* Overexpression of rJcSPL9 in Arabidopsis thaliana and Jatropha curcas Causes Shorter Filaments. Molecular Plant Breeding, Online first, https://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/46.1068.S.20211108.2006.010.html
12. 胡颖雄、明新、陶彦彬*、徐增富*. 2021. 异位表达小桐子赤霉素降解酶基因JcGA2ox6促进小桐子成花转变。分子植物育种, 网络首发。Hu Yingxiong, Ming Xin, Tao Yanbin* Xu Zengfu*. 2021. Ectopic Expression of Gibberellin-degrading Enzyme Gene JcGA2ox6 Promoted the Reproductive Growth in Perennial Woody Plant Jatropha curcas. Molecular Plant Breeding, Online first, https://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/46.1068.S.20210610.1045.004.html
13. 王新、陶彦彬、明新、胡颖雄*、徐增富*. 2021. 小桐子赤霉素合成酶JcGA3ox基因家族成员的克隆与功能分析. 分子植物育种, 网络首发。Wang Xin, Tao Yanbin, Ming Xin, Hu Yingxiong*, Xu Zengfu*. 2021. Cloning and Functional Analysis of the Members of Gibberellin Biosynthesis Enzyme JcGA3ox Gene Family in the Woody Oil Plant Jatropha curcas. Molecular Plant Breeding, Online first, https://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/46.1068.S.20210610.1326.008.html
14. Tian-tian Zhang, Huiying He, Chuan-jia Xu, Qiantang Fu, Yan-bin Tao*, Ronghua Xu*, and Zeng-fu Xu*. 2021. Overexpression of Type 1 and 2 Diacylglycerol Acyltransferase Genes (JcDGAT1 and JcDGAT2) Enhances Oil Production in the Woody Perennial Biofuel Plant Jatropha curcas. Plants 10 (4), 699. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants10040699
15. Xue Bai, Tao Chen, Yuan Wu, Mingyong Tang*, Zeng-Fu Xu*. 2021. Selection and Validation of Reference Genes for qRT-PCR Analysis in the Oil-Rich Tuber Crop Tiger Nut (Cyperus esculentus) Based on Transcriptome Data. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22(5), 2569. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms22052569
16. 徐传佳,陈茂盛,徐增富*,2021. 茉莉酸处理对木本油料植物小桐子早期花序芽基因表达的影响. 科学技术与工程,21(14): 5742-5751. Xu Chuanjia, Chen Maosheng, Xu Zengfu*. 2021. Effects of exogenous jasmonic acid on gene transcription in early inflorescence buds of the woody oil plant Jatropha curcas. Science Technology and Engineering, 21 (14): 5742-5751. http://www.stae.com.cn/ch/reader/view_abstract.aspx?file_no=2009035&flag=1
17. 冯程, 朱阅,张甜甜,白雪,何惠英, 潘帮珍, 付乾堂*, 徐增富*. 2021木本油料植物星油藤嫩茎叶营养成分分析. 经济林研究 39(2):97-103. FENG Cheng, ZHU Yue, ZHANG Tiantian, BAI Xue, HE Huiying, PAN Bangzhen, FU Qiantang*, XU Zengfu*. 2021. Analysis of nutritional components in tender stems and leaves of the woody oil crop Plukenetia volubilis. Nonwood Forest Research, 39(2): 97-103. https://doi.org/10.14067/j.cnki.1003-8981.2021.02.012
18. 王静娴,明新,陶彦彬,唐明勇*,徐增富*. 2021. 超量表达JcSEUSS1基因促进小桐子(Jatropha curcas)叶中花青素的合成, 分子植物育种, 19(23): 7851-7860. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.13271/j.mpb.019.007851. Wang J.X., Ming X., Tao Y.B., Tang M.Y.*, and Xu Z.F.*, 2021, Over-expression of JcSEUSS1 from Jatropha curcas induces the accumulation of anthocyanin in leaves, Fen zi Zhi wu Yu zhong (Molecular Plant Breeding), 19(23): 7851-7860. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.13271/j.mpb.019.007851
19. 朱阅, 郭亚静, 冯程, 潘帮珍, 何惠英, 徐增富, 杜光辉*, 付乾堂*. (2021). 星油藤转录组SSR序列特征分析及其分子标记开发. 分子植物育种,19 (9): 2985-2992. Zhu Yue, Guo Yajing, Feng Cheng, Pan Bangzhen, He Huiying, Xu Zengfu, Du Guanghui*, Fu Qiantang*. 2021. Characteristic Analysis of SSR Sequences and Development of Molecular Markers Based on Plukenetia volubilis Transcriptome. Molecular Plant Breeding, 19 (9): 2985-2992. http://dx.doi.org/10.13271/j.mpb.019.002985
20. Xu, Chuan-Jia, Mei-Li Zhao, Mao-Sheng Chen, and Zeng-Fu Xu*. 2020. "Silencing of the Ortholog of DEFECTIVE IN ANTHER DEHISCENCE 1 Gene in the Woody Perennial Jatropha curcas Alters Flower and Fruit Development" International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21, no. 23: 8923. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms21238923
21. Mao-Sheng Chen#, Longjian Niu#, Mei-Li Zhao, Chuanjia Xu, Bang-Zhen Pan, Qiantang Fu, Yan-Bin Tao, Huiying He, Chunhui Hou*, Zeng-Fu Xu*. 2020. De novo genome assembly and Hi-C analysis reveal the association between chromatin architecture alterations and sex differentiation in the woody plant Jatropha curcas. GigaScience 9 (2): 1-12 (giaa009). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/gigascience/giaa009.
22. Yan Luo#, Bang-Zhen Pan#, Lu Li, Chen-Xuan Yang, Zeng-Fu Xu*. 2020. Developmental basis for flower sex determination and effects of cytokinin on sex determination in Plukenetia volubilis (Euphorbiaceae). Plant Reproduction 33(1): 21-34. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00497-019-00382-9.
23. Xin Ming, Yan-Bin Tao*, Qiantang Fu, Mingyong Tang, Huiying He, Mao-Sheng Chen, Bang-Zhen Pan, Zeng-Fu Xu*. 2020. Flower-specific overproduction of cytokinins altered flower development and sex expression in the perennial woody plant Jatropha curcas L. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2020, 21(2), 640; https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms21020640.
24. Xuan Zhang#, Bang-Zhen Pan#, Maosheng Chen, Wen Chen, Jing Li, Zeng-Fu Xu* and Changning Liu*. 2019. JCDB: a comprehensive knowledge base for Jatropha curcas, an emerging model for woody energy plants. BMC Genomics 20, 958. doi:10.1186/s12864-019-6356-z.
25. Mei-Li Zhao, Mao-Sheng Chen, Zeng-Fu Xu*. 2019. First Report of Powdery Mildew in Jatropha curcas Caused by Erysiphe quercicola in Yunnan province, China. Plant Disease, 103 (11): 2958. https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-05-19-1079-PDN.
26. 郭亚静,付乾堂,胡晓笛,陈茂盛,潘帮珍,陶彦彬,何惠英,徐增富.星油藤WOX基因家族成员的鉴定及其表达谱分析[J/OL].分子植物育种:1-20[2023-01-12].http://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/46.1068.S.20191025.0851.002.html. Guo Yajing, Fu Qiantang, Hu Xiaodi, Chen Maosheng, Pan Bangzhen, Tao Yanbin, He Huiying, Xu Zengfu*. 2019. Identification and Expression Analysis of WOX Family Genes in Sacha Inchi (Plukenetia volubilis). Molecular Plant Breeding, online first, http://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/46.1068.S.20191025.0851.002.html.
27. 任树林, 付乾堂, 潘帮珍*, 徐增富*. 2019. 快中子辐射星油藤突变体库的构建及其突变体筛选.分子植物育种, 网络首发:2019-10-22. Ren Shulin, Fu Qiantang, Pan Bangzhen, Xu Zengfu*. 2019. Construction of A Mutant Library and Screening of Mutants Induced by Fast-Neutron Irradiation in Plukenetia volubilis L. Molecular Plant Breeding, online first, http://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/46.1068.S.20191022.1012.003.html
28. Mao-Sheng Chen; Mei-Li Zhao; Gui-Juan Wang; Hui-Ying He; Xue Bai; Bang-Zhen Pan; Qiantang Fu; Yan-Bin Tao; Mingyong Tang; Jorge Mart nez-Herrera; Zeng-Fu Xu*. 2019. Transcriptome analysis of two inflorescence branching mutants reveals cytokinin is an important regulator in controlling inflorescence architecture in the woody plant Jatropha curcas. BMC Plant Biology 19, Article number: 468. DOI: 10.1186/s12870-019-2069-3.
29. Mei-Li Zhao, Jun Ni, Mao-Sheng Chen*, Zeng-Fu Xu*. 2019. Ectopic expression of Jatropha curcas TREHALOSE-6-PHOSPHATE PHOSPHATASE J causes late-flowering and heterostylous phenotypes in Arabidopsis but not in Jatropha. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2019, 20(9), 2165; https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms20092165
30. Fu Qiantang, Tao Yan-Bin, Xu Zeng-Fu*. 2019. Genetic transformation and transgenics of Jatropha curcas, a biofuel plant. In: Mulpuri Sujatha, Nicolas Carels, Bahadur B, editors. Jatropha, Challenges for a New Energy Crop. Volume 3: A Sustainable Multipurpose Crop, pages 79-93, Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-13-3104-6_5 (Book chapter)
31. Tao Yan-Bin, Hu Xiao-Di, Xu Zeng-Fu*. 2019 Fatty acid biosynthesis and triacylglycerol accumulation in the biofuel plantJatropha curcas. In: Mulpuri Sujatha, Nicolas Carels, Bahadur B, editors. Jatropha, Challenges for a New Energy Crop. Volume 3: A Sustainable Multipurpose Crop, 163-179, Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-13-3104-6_10 (Book chapter)
32. Mingyong Tang, Xue Bai, Long-Jian Niu, Xia Chai, Mao-Sheng Chen, and Zeng-Fu Xu*. 2018. miR172 regulates both vegetative and reproductive development in the perennial woody plant Jatropha curcas. Plant and Cell Physiology 59 (12): 2549-2563. [Cover story]
33. Jialong Li #, Bang-Zhen Pan #, Longjian Niu, Mao-Sheng Chen, Mingyong Tang, Zeng-Fu Xu*. 2018. Gibberellin inhibits floral initiation in the perennial woody plantJatropha curcas. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation 37(3):999–1006. DOI: http://sci-hub.tw/10.1007/s00344-018-9797-8.
34. Mei-Li Zhao, Yu Song*, Jun Ni, Xin Yao, Yun-hong Tan, Zeng-Fu Xu*. 2018. Comparative chloroplast genomics and phylogenetics of nine Lindera species (Lauraceae). Scientific Reports 8, Article number: 8844. DOI : 10.1038/s41598-018-27090-0.
35. Xiao-Di Hu#; Bang-Zhen Pan#; Qiantang Fu; Longjian Niu; Mao-Sheng Chen; Zeng-Fu Xu*. 2018. De novo transcriptome assembly of the eight major organs of Sacha Inchi (Plukenetia volubilis) and the identification of genes involved in -linolenic acid metabolism. BMC Genomics 19:380. DOI: http://sci-hub.tw/10.1186/s12864-018-4774-y
36. Li Cai, Lu Zhang, Qiantang Fu*, Zeng-Fu Xu*. 2018. Identification and expression analysis of cytokinin metabolic genes IPTs, CYP735A and CKXs in the biofuel plant Jatropha curcas. PeerJ. 6:e4812. https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.4812.
37. Xiao-Di Hu, Bang-Zhen Pan, Qiantang Fu, Mao-Sheng Chen, and Zeng-Fu Xu*. 2018. The complete chloroplast genome sequence of the biofuel plant Sacha Inchi, Plukenetia volubilis. Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 3 (1): 328-329. DOI: http://sci-hub.tw/10.1080/23802359.2018.1437816.
38. 赵美丽, 倪军, 陈茂盛, 徐增富*, 2018, 超量表达小桐子JcTPS1 促进拟南芥开花并增加叶片花青素含量, 分子植物育种, 16 (1): 255-261. DOI: http://sci-hub.tw/10.13271/j.mpb.016.000255. Zhao Meili, Ni Jun, Chen Maosheng, Xu Zengfu, 2018, Over-expression of JcTPS1 from Jatropha curcas Induces Early Flowering of Arabidopsis and Improves Anthocyanin Accumulation in Leaves. Molecular Plant Breeding, 16(1): 255-261. DOI: http://sci-hub.tw/10.13271/j.mpb.016.000255.
39. Qiantang Fu, Longjian Niu, Mao-Sheng Chen, Yan-Bin Tao, Xiulan Wang, Huiying He, Bang-Zhen Pan, Zeng-Fu Xu*. 2018. De novo Transcriptome Assembly and Comparative Analysis between Male and Benzyladenine-Induced Female Inflorescence Buds of Plukenetia volubilis. Journal of Plant Physiology, 221:107–118.
40. X. Chai, Z. Yang, Q. Fu, B.-Z. Pan, M. Tang, C. Li, Zeng-Fu Xu*. 2018. First Report of Root and Basal Stem Rot in Sacha Inchi (Plukenetia volubilis) Caused by Fusarium oxysporum in China. Plant Disease, 102 (1): 242.
41. Ying-Xiong Hu, Yan-Bin Tao* and Zeng-Fu Xu*. 2017. Overexpression of Jatropha Gibberellin 2-oxidase 6 (JcGA2ox6) Induces Dwarfism and Smaller Leaves, Flowers and Fruits in Arabidopsis and Jatropha. Front. Plant Sci. 8:2103.
42. Jun Ni, Mei-Li Zhao, Mao-Sheng Chen, Bang-Zhen Pan, Yan-Bin Tao, Zeng-Fu Xu*. 2017. Comparative transcriptome analysis of axillary buds in response to the shoot branching regulators gibberellin A3 and 6-benzyladenine in Jatropha curcas. Scientific Reports 7, Article number: 11417.
43. Chaoqiong Li, Qiantang Fu, Longjian Niu, Li Luo, Jianghua Chen, Zeng-Fu Xu*. 2017. Three TFL1 homologues regulate floral initiation in the biofuel plant Jatropha curcas. Scientific Reports 7, Article number: 43090. doi:10.1038/srep43090.
44. Yan-Wei Sun, Chun-Ming Wang, Ning Wang, Xi-Yuan Jiang, Hui-Zhu Mao, Chang-Xiang Zhu, Fu-Jiang Wen, Xiang-Hua Wang, Zhi-Jun Lu,Gen-Hua Yue, Zeng-Fu Xu, Jian Ye*. 2017. Manipulation of Auxin Response Factor 19 affects seed size in the woody perennial Jatropha curcas. Scientific Reports 7: 40844. doi:10.1038/srep40844.
45. Chen M, Pan B, Fu Q, Tao Y, Martinez_herrera J, Niu L, Ni J, Dong Y, Zhao M and Xu Z* (2017) Comparative transcriptome analysis between gynoecious and monoecious plants identifies regulatory networks controlling sex determination in Jatropha curcas. Frontiers in Plant Science 7:1953. doi:10.3389/fpls.2016.01953
46. Mingyong Tang, Yan-Bin Tao, Qiantang Fu, Yaling Song, Longjian Niu, Zeng-Fu Xu*. 2016. An ortholog of LEAFY in Jatropha curcas regulates flowering time and floral organ development. Scientific Reports 6, Article number: 37306. doi:10.1038/srep37306
47. Yan-Bin Tao, Liang-Liang He, Longjian Niu and Zeng-Fu Xu*. 2016. Isolation and characterization of the Jatropha curcas APETALA1 (JcAP1) promoter conferring preferential expression in inflorescence buds. Planta, 244(2):467-478. DOI: 10.1007/s00425-016-2519-1
48. Mingyong Tang, Yan-Bin Tao and Zeng-Fu Xu*. 2016. Ectopic expression of Jatropha curcasAPETALA1(JcAP1) caused early flowering in Arabidopsis, but not in Jatropha. PeerJ 4:e1969. https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.1969
49. Longjian Niu, Yan-Bin Tao, Mao-Sheng Chen, Qiantang Fu, Yuling Dong, Huiying He, Zeng-Fu Xu*. 2016. Identification and characterization of tetraploid and octoploidJatropha curcasinduced by colchicine. Caryologia 69(1): 58–66. DOI: http://sci-hub.cc/10.1080/00087114.2015.1110308
50. Bang-Zhen Pan, Yan Luo, Liang Song, Mao-Sheng Chen, Jia-Long Li, Zeng-Fu Xu*. 2016. Thidiazuron increases fruit number in the biofuel plant Jatropha curcas by promoting pistil development. Industrial Crops and Products 81: 202–210. DOI: 10.1016/j.indcrop.2015.11.054.
51. 董玉玲,陈茂盛,王秀兰,牛龙见,付乾堂,徐增富*. 2016 木本油料作物美藤果组织培养植株再生体系的建立。分子植物育种 14(2): 462-470. Dong Yuling, Chen Maosheng, Wang Xiulan, Niu Longjian, Fu Qiantang, Xu Zengfu*, 2016. Establishment of in vitro regeneration system of woody oil crop Plukenetia volubilis. Molecular Plant Breeding 14(2): 462-470.
52. Qiantang Fu, Chaoqiong Li, Mingyong Tang, Yan-Bin Tao, Bang-Zhen Pan, Lu Zhang, Longjian Niu, Huiying He, Xiulan Wang, Zeng-Fu Xu*. 2015. An efficient protocol for Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of the biofuel plant Jatropha curcas by optimizing kanamycin concentration and duration of delayed selection. Plant Biotechnology Reports 9(6): 405-416.
53. Jun Ni, Congcong Gao, Mao-Sheng Chen, Bang-Zhen Pan, Kaiqin Ye, Zeng-Fu Xu*. 2015. Gibberellin promotes shoot branching in the perennial woody plant Jatropha curcas. Plant and Cell Physiology 56 (8): 1655-1666. [cover story]
54. 张礼凤 2015. 长在藤上的“深海鱼油” 星油藤. 中国保健食品,(9):4-5.
55. Longjian Niu, Yan-Bin Tao, Mao-Sheng Chen, Qiantang Fu, Chaoqiong Li, Yuling Dong, Xiulan Wang, Huiying He and Zeng-Fu Xu*. 2015. Selection of Reliable Reference Genes for Gene Expression Studies of a Promising Oilseed Crop, Plukenetia volubilis, by Real-Time Quantitative PCR. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 16(6): 12513-12530.
56. Yan-Bin Tao, Liang-Liang He, Long-Jian Niu and Zeng-Fu Xu* 2015. Isolation and characterization of an ubiquitin extension protein gene (JcUEP) promoter from Jatropha curcas. Planta. 241 (4):823-836.
57. Chaoqiong Li, Li Luo, Qiantang Fu, Longjian Niu, Zeng-Fu Xu*. 2015. Identification and characterization of the FT/TFL1 gene family in the biofuel plant Jatropha curcas. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter 33(2): 326-333. DOI: 10.1007/s11105-014-0747-8.
58. 高聪聪, 倪军, 陈茂盛, 徐增富* 2015 能源植物小桐子赤霉素合成代谢及信号转导相关基因的鉴定及序列分析. 植物分类与资源学报 37(2): 157-167. Cong-Cong Gao, Jun Ni, Mao-Sheng Chen, Zeng-Fu Xu*. 2015, Characterization of genes involved in gibberellin metabolism and signaling pathway in the biofuel plant Jatropha curcas. Plant Diversity and Resources 37(2): 157-167. DOI: 10.7677/ynzwyj201514076
59. Mao-Sheng Chen, Bang-Zhen Pan, Gui-Juan Wang, Jun Ni, Longjian Niu and Zeng-Fu Xu*. 2014. Analysis of the transcriptional responses in inflorescence buds of Jatropha curcas exposed to cytokinin treatment. BMC Plant Biology 14: 318.
60. Bang-Zhen Pan, Mao-Sheng Chen, Jun Ni and Zeng-Fu Xu*.2014. Transcriptome of the inflorescence meristems of the biofuel plant Jatropha curcas treated with cytokinin. BMC Genomics.15: 974. DOI:10.1186/1471-2164-15-974
61. Qiantang Fu, Longjian Niu, Qingfeng Zhang, Bang-Zhen Pan, Huiying He, Zeng-Fu Xu*. 2014. Benzyladenine treatment promotes floral feminization and fruiting in a promising oilseed crop Plukenetia volubilis. Industrial Crops and Products.59: 295–298. DOI:10.1016/j.indcrop.2014.05.028
62. Yan-Bin Tao, Li Luo, Liang-Liang He, Jun Ni and Zeng-Fu Xu*. 2014 A promoter analysis of MOTHER OF FT AND TFL1 1 (JcMFT1), a seed-preferential gene from the biofuel plant Jatropha curcas. Journal of Plant Research.127(4):513-524. DOI: 10.1007/s10265-014-0639-x
63. Chaoqiong Li, Li Luo, Qiantang Fu, Longjian Niu and Zeng-Fu Xu*. 2014 Isolation and functional characterization of JcFT, a FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) homologous gene from the biofuel plant Jatropha curcas. BMC Plant Biology, 14:125, DOI: 10.1186/1471-2229-14-125.
64. Longjian Niu, Jialong Li, Mao-Sheng Chen, Zeng-Fu Xu*. 2014 Determination of oil contents in Sacha inchi (Plukenetia volubilis) seeds at different developmental stages by two methods: Soxhlet extraction and time-domain nuclear magnetic resonance. Industrial Crops and Products. 56, 187–190.
65. Lu Zhang, Liang-Liang He, Qian-Tang Fu, Zeng-Fu Xu* 2013 Selection of reliable reference genes for gene expression studies in the biofuel plant Jatropha curcas using real-time quantitative PCR. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 14(12), 24338-24354.
66. Yaling Song*, Zeng-Fu Xu. 2013. Ectopic Overexpression of an AUXIN/INDOLE-3-ACETIC ACID (Aux/IAA) Gene OsIAA4 in Rice Induces Morphological Changes and Reduces Responsiveness to Auxin. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 14(7), 13645-13656
67. S. A. Omar, N. I. Elsheery, H. M. Kalaji*, M. K. H. Ebrahim, S. Pietkiewicz, C.H. Lee, S. I. Allakhverdiev*, and Zeng-Fu Xu*. 2013. Identification and differential expression of two dehydrin cDNAs during maturation of Jatropha curcas seeds. Biochemistry (Moscow), 78(5):485-495.
68. 宋娟, 陈茂盛, 李家龙, 牛龙见, 徐增富*(2013)土施多效唑对小桐子营养生长与生殖生长的影响. 植物分类与资源学报. 35 (2): 173-179. (Song, J., Chen, M.-S., Li J.-L., Niu, L.-J., Xu, Z.-F.* (2013). Effects of soil-applied paclobutrazol on the vegetative and reproductive growth of biofuel plant Jatropha curcas. Plant Diversity and Resources 35 (2): 173-179.) DOI: 10.7677/ynzwyj201312086.
69. 皮雪静,潘帮珍,徐增富*(2013)赤霉素诱导小桐子产生两性花. 植物分类与资源学报. 35 (1): 26-32. (Pi, X.-J., Pan, B.-Z., Xu, Z.-F.* (2013). Induction of bisexual flowers by gibberellin in monoecious biofuel plant Jatropha curcas (Euphorbiaceae). Plant Diversity and Resources 35 (1): 26-32.) DOI: 10.7677/ynzwyj201312063
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1. 徐増富、潘邦珍,倪军,陈茂盛,陶彦彬,2020,云南省自然科学奖,二等奖,小桐子分枝与开花调控的生理与分子生物学基础研究。
1. XU, Zengfu; PAN, Bangzhen. Growth regulator specially for Jatropha curcas L. and application thereof, Indian Patent No. 297274. May 31, 2018.
2. 付乾堂、徐增富、牛龙见、张庆丰、潘帮珍、何惠英. 一种诱导提高星油藤果实产量的方法. 专利:ZL 201310472646.5 (授权公告日:2015-07-15)
3. 徐增富,宋娟,陈茂盛. 多效唑在调控小桐子生长发育中的应用.申请日:2012年7月31日; 专利申请号20120269601.3.
4. 徐增富,潘竟丽,付乾堂. 一种农杆菌介导的小油桐基因转化方法. 专利号:ZL201010252415.X (授权公告日:2012-06-27); 国际专利申请号:PCT/CN2010/001376
5. 徐增富、潘帮珍. 一种小桐子专用生长调节剂及其应用. 专利号:ZL201010105031.5 (授权公告日:2013-11-27); 国际专利申请号PCT/CN2010/000224
6. 徐增富、罗鸣、王兆玉、吴锋. 一种龙葵蛋白酶抑制剂基因及其应用. 专利申请号:200810027815.3 (申请日:2008年4月30日)
7. 王兆玉 徐增富 廖文波 罗莉. 发明名称:非试管快速繁殖小油桐幼苗的方法。专利号:ZL200710028385.2. (授权公告日 2010-05-19)
1. 杨成源,徐增富,方真,邓欣,刘勇,陈茂盛,何惠英. 多花膏桐良种. 云南省林木品种审定委员会,2011年12月16日/(2011)第19号.
2. 杨成源,徐增富,方真,邓欣,刘勇,陈茂盛,何惠英. 多花膏桐新品种. 云南省林业厅园艺植物新品种注册登记办公室, 2011年12月15日/云林园植新登第20110036号.
3. 杨成源, 徐增富, 方真, 邓欣, 刘勇, 陈茂盛, 何惠英. 皱叶膏桐新品种.云南省林业厅园艺植物新品种注册登记办公室, 2011年12月15日/云林园植新登第20110037号.
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