l 森林生态系统的结构、功能和动态,探讨物种多样性的格局以及生态系统过程,揭示生态系统的自我维持机制。
l 全球变化背景下的森林生态系统长期监测和研究,并探索森林的合理利用与持续管理模式,为推动地区经济发展和生态环境建设做出积极贡献。
The main research directions of Ecosystem Structure, Function and Dynamics Research Group are:
l To study the structure, function and dynamics of tropical and subtropical forest ecosystems in SW China, with the purpose of understanding the elementary processes occurring in forest ecosystems and monitoring the long-term dynamics of the forests in response to the global change.
l To develop multidisciplinary approaches in the sustainable forest management.
l To commit itself to translating this information into results relevant to sustainable development of local economy and society.
To achieve the objectives, we encourage international cooperation with both institutions and individuals from all countries of the world. Moreover, we intend to develop programs that will allow the group to bring together experts from a variety of disciplines to deal with ecological issues in the land use of tropical Asian countries.