您好!欢迎访问中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园研究组网站! 2022/04/06 上午9:17:24 星期三





Research interests and goals

The major research of the Ecohydrology Research Group (EHRG) at Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden (XTBG), Chinese Academy of Sciences, is focused the mechanisms controlling water and soil processes in relation to environmental variables in tropical and subtropical forests area in SW China and Southeast Asia. This includes investigating the ecohydrological function, soil erosion, soil water migration, hydrology modelling, manipulation and management of water and soil processes for the tropical and subtropical forests, restoration of degraded lands. Using stable isotope techniques (δD, δ18O, δ13C and δ15N), the group studies water- and nutrient-use strategies and patterns of plants in tropical or subtropical forests and plantations in relation to environment change. The following three topics are our main research themes:

(1). The dominant land use in the area is commercial rubber plantations. It is commonly recognized, therefore, that the change in land-cover vegetation to rubber monoculture may result in excessive water loss and soil erosion, soil hardening and crusting. We try to understand how changes in land use has altered ecohydrological functioning, using a set of more than 35 permanently marked large-scale watersheds. This information can be used to inform conservation planning and management.

(2). In recent years, the local government has proposed building environmentally friendly rubber plantations (i.e., rubber-based agroforestry systems) which aim to reduce water and soil loss. Currently, Chinese scientists have developed a variety of rubber-based agroforestry systems to improve such degraded lands. We try to understand the effect of different intercropping patterns on mechanisms of soil erosion, soil and water conservation, ecohydrological functions in rubber agroforestry system.

(3). Our understanding of the mechanisms that underlie plant competition for water and nutrient is still developing because of the complexity of resource competition, so this is a field with plenty of open questions. Using stable isotope techniques (δD, δ18O, δ13C, and δ15N), we study water- and nutrient-use strategies and patterns of plants in tropical, subtropical forests, and rubber-based agroforestry systems in Southeast Asia in relation to environment change.