您好!欢迎访问中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园研究组网站! 2022/04/06 上午9:17:24 星期三

Eben Goodale


E-mail: eben.goodale@gmail.com
I am interested in the connection between three fields of ecology: behavioral ecology, community ecology and conservation. How does behavior, particularly communication, affect the interactions between species, and how can knowledge about such interactions be integrated into conservation and management plans? In behavioral ecology, I have worked primarily on vocal communication in birds. Ongoing research investigates vocal mimicry in drongos, and the propagation of alarm calls and contact calls in birds that live in groups. In community ecology, I am interested in loose mutualisms and species associations or interdependencies in such mutualisms, including mixed-species flocks of birds and interactions between frugivores and fruiting trees. Conservation is an important application of much of my work. I am currently working on how land-use affects mixed-species flocks in Sri Lanka and India. I am also interested in reforestation and species enrichment in agricultural environments, and the role of animals in these processes.