您好!欢迎访问中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园研究组网站! 2022/04/06 上午9:17:24 星期三

Jocelyn Behm


Research Description: I am a visiting student to Professor Chen Jin’s research group. My interests are evolutionary ecology, biodiversity conservation and aquatic ecology. Previously, I merged these fields for my Masters thesis investigating hybridization between two stickleback fish species from British Columbia, Canada. I am currently a third-year Ph.D. student from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. As a member of UW-Madison’s IGERT program entitled Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Development in Southwest China (http://swchina.wisc.edu/), I am conducting my Ph.D. research in Xishuangbanna. My research focuses on how land use change, predators, prey resources, and phenotypic plasticity interact to affect the way frogs select breeding and non-breeding habitats. I will be at XTBG through at least Fall 2010 and plan to graduate in 2011.