您好!欢迎访问中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园研究组网站! 2022/04/06 上午9:17:24 星期三



个人简介:I graduated from Beijing Forestry University,where I majored in turfgrass management. Comparing with peers who lived in rural area, I did not have enough chance to connect with nature in my growth as those who were born and grew up in urban area. In spite of only a few exposure to nature, I still care about environmental issues and try to become a responsible citizen and even an environmentalist. Such my own personal experience stimulate my curiosity to the program-Environmental Education. Due to industrialization and urbanization, today’s children are increasingly disconnected from the natural world, but meanwhile we now live in a society where the treats of climate change and species extinction are predicted to get worse than before. It calls for actions and changes to reverse the urgent situation and need human beings to guard our common home. So I feel so lucky that I can come to XTBG, join in this program and do certain research in the future two years.
