您好!欢迎访问中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园研究组网站! 2022/04/06 上午9:17:24 星期三



个人简介:I was born in Wuhan, a economic city of east-central China lying by the Yangtse River.. It is the industrial, commercial, and transportation center of central China and the capital of Hubei province.. The ecology environment of Wuhan was not so good as a result of a long time industrial development. So I hope I can do something for environment deterioration. After four years of undergraduate study in Southwest Forestry University, I passed into XTBG.. My research in XTBG is soil ecology. Now my study is about invasive earthworms. I want to know the mechanisms of earthworm invasiveness, and how can we predict which species will be invasive, which geographic areas are vulnerable, and what the consequences of earthworm invasions will be. I hope my study will make some contribution to the theory of invasiveness.
