您好!欢迎访问中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园研究组网站! 2022/04/06 上午9:17:24 星期三

XTBG Environmental Education Team's Study Tour to Guangxi with Theme of Ecological Civilization Education


In April 1-8, 2023, the environmental education team of Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden (XTBG) embarked on a study tour to Guangxi with a focus on the theme of "Ecological Civilization Education." Headed by Professor Chen Jin, Chief Scientist of the Environmental Education Center (EEC) at XTBG, the team comprised of 12 staff members and graduate students from various departments.

The tour kicked off with a visit to the College of Forestry at Guangxi University on April 2nd. In the morning, the team visited the school history museum and engaged in discussions with the Guangxi University team on the application of environmental education in Guangxi. Prof. Yang Mei, Vice Dean of College of Forestry, Guangxi University, along with professor Xu Zengfu, Jiang Aiwu, and Zhu Shidan, associate professor Luo Yinghua and Jiang Guofeng, and Liu Shengyuan, deputy director of Guangxi Nonggang National Nature Reserve, and about 10 students from the environmental protection club of Guangxi University attended the meeting. In the afternoon, Profs. Chen Jin, Zhang Ling, and Xia Xue delivered presentations to the College of Forestry of Guangxi University, titled “Advances in the fig biology”, “Miracle mistletoes in the ecosystem”, and “AFEC-X: training models for tropical scientists and conservation personnel”, respectively, with more than 100 participants. During the seminar time, the team also had the opportunity to interact with undergraduate and graduate students, exchanging ideas on ecological studies and conservation practices. 

On April 3rd, the team visited the Nanling Botanical Garden, also namely Qing Xiu Shan Scenic Spot (QXS), guided by Li Dexiang, the deputy director of Qing Xiu Shan Administrative Committee. The team visited collections of cycads, shady plants, orchids, bamboos, and the Biodiversity Museum, experienced the charm and vitality of an urban botanical garden. In the afternoon, team members He He, Zhao Jinli, and Yue Zhihui delivered presentations to environmental educators from QXS and local school teachers from Nanning, entitled “To be the spokesperson of the rainforest - Sharing the environmental education work of XTBG”, “Science Education in the context of study tour: A case study from XTBG”, and “‘The Heart of Wonder’: How does nature inspire children's Curiosity?”, respectively. 

From April 4th to 7th, the team visited the Weizhou Island Marine Education Center (WIMEC), managed by the Center for Science Education and Communication at Guangxi Academy of Sciences (CSEC), where former EEPAI master student Cai Shaofen is currently working. Guided by Chen Mo (deputy director of CSEC), Lai Chaoyun (head of WIMEC), and Cai Shaofen, the team conducted in-depth on-site investigations on the unique educational resources of Weizhou island, including its volcanic geology, intertidal biota, Bryde's whale, coral conservation, and island culture. After the field trip, the team engaged in a discussion meeting with local environmental educators, middle school teachers, tourism practitioners, and environmental protection workers on Weizhou island. Team members Meng Yichuan, Kong Chuwei, and Zhang Zekun delivered their presentations titled “ideological basis and theoretical reference of ecological civilization education”, “Best practice of school garden & British experience”, and “Overview of nature education development in Dinghushan National Nature Reserve”, respectively. Both sides engaged in meaningful exchanges about ecological civilization, conservation and science education. 

The team also conducted two environmental education projects specifically designed for Weizhou island during the meeting. The first project targets local primary school students and aims to improve their marine knowledge, sense of place, and self-efficacy. The project, headed by Liu Wanlu, is designed to be one and a half days long and includes activities such as marine topic lecture, Bryde's whale watching, drama performances, marine biodiversity survey, and conservation propaganda practice. The second project, headed by Zhao Jinli, targets middle school students from Beijing or other big cities and aims to improve their connections with ocean and critical thinking. A three-day project was designed to reach those aims, including activities of “treasure island expedition”, focused group discussion, social investigation, and role-playing & proposal debate. Based on those two projects sharing, Prof. Chen Jin acknowledged the unique research and learning resources of Weizhou island, and emphasized the importance of marine conservation education. He also provided specific opinions and suggestions for future marine conservation education and research work on Weizhou island. Local practitioners participated in the discussions, engaging in extensive and in-depth exchanges and intense ideological collisions regarding science education, current and future marine conservation education, and educational trip in Weizhou island. 


This study tour not only successfully facilitated communication between the XTBG environmental education team and environmental educators in Guangxi, but also provided the team with valuable experiences and insights on ecological civilization and public education. It deepened their understanding of these important topics and fostered new friendships with fellow practitioners in the field. All team members agreed that this tour was a valuable opportunity for their professional development and meaningful exchanges in the realm of environmental education.

Team members made presentations to various audience


Tour members in Guangxi University

Team visit Cycad Collection in Qing Xiu Shan Scenic Spot



Tour members in Weizhou Island Marine Education Center

