您好!欢迎访问中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园研究组网站! 2022/04/06 上午9:17:24 星期三

Environmental education team study tour completed successfully

During August 18-23, 2022, the environmental education team of XTBG conducted a study tour to Jingdong, Ailao Mountain and Yuan River. The main idea is to integrate a learning and discussion into a business tour. The theme of this tour was determined as “Imagining the Future Education". The chief scientist of Environmental Education Center (EEC) Jin Chen and deputy director of EEC Guangyu Liu leaded this trip. Totally 11 staffs and gratuage students joined the trip, including, He He, ZhaoPeng Jing from EEC, Qinglan Cui from Southeast Asia Biodiversity Research institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi Yang from Initiative for Collective Conservation in Chinese Botanical Gardens Office, as well as 5 graduate students from EEPAI.

Tour members communicating with Jingdong Subtropical Botanical Garden team
The tour included a visit to Jingdong Subtropical Botanical Garden (JSBG), the Yuanjiang County Dry and Hot River Valley Agricultural Science and Technology Demonstration Park, the Ailao Mountain Ecological Field Station and Yuanjiang Hot-valley Ecological Station. As the main part of the tour, participants conducted more than 10 discussions and presentations on the themes of Interests Education, Science Education, Conservation Education, Ecological Education and so on. Meanwhile, the team also conducted meetings with staffs from the two field stations and the JSBG, and have had warm discussions with them. 

Tour members under old mongo tree at Yuanjiang Hot-valley Ecological Field Station
During the tour, there are some hot debates which brought up with new fresh ideas.  For example, in Ailao Mountain Ecological Field Station, Liao Chencan, a staff of the field station, had a fierce ideological collision on the issue of "species or habitats, which one should we protect?" with the team, the two sides held their own and argued against each other. Through this debate, members gained a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of the issue.

Tour members in Ailao Mountain Ecological Field Station
In the final summing up meeting, Professor Jin Chen affirmed the outcomes of this tour, as harvesting from four perspectives, i.e., enrich experiences, gain positive emotion, deeper understanding of education, and physical exercise. He proposed thus kind of study tour could be run on a yearly base and become a fixed training program in EEPAI and EEC. Prof Chen also highlighted further efforts need to be enhanced for brainstorming and inspiration effect for future tours.  