您好!欢迎访问中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园研究组网站! 2022/04/06 上午9:17:24 星期三

Xinke YUE attended the 18th International Bat Research Conference

28th July – 1th August., Xinke YUE attended the 18th International Bat Research Conference, held by Prince of Songkla University, Thailand and Harrison Institute, UK in Phuket island, Thailand. Every three years, some of the best and the brightest scientists and students in bat research and conservation come together for the International Bat Research Conference (IBRC). The 18th IBRC in Phuket this year is no exception and are delighted to host over 400 delegates from 65 countries across the world who will, over the course of the week, deliver some 250 oral presentations and 90 poster presentations. It included eighteen sessions. Xinke Yue has contributed one oral presentation, titled “Phenotypic Responses of Bats to Climate and
 Land-Use Change Over the Past Sixty Years in China” in the parallel session of Adaptation and Climate/Environmental Change. In this conference Xinke YUE shared the progress on how species respond to environmental change by checking both historical (1960s) and recent (2017) specimens of an insectivorous bat species (Hipposideros armiger) and a phytophagous bat (Rousettus leschenaultii) from the same latitudinal range over the past 65 years in China. In this study, we have shown evidence for rapid changes in morphology with environmental change over temporal gradients. Although these changes were small, they were consistent, and reflected the ability for the species to accommodate the various facets of environmental change associated, not only with climatic change but also more with direct landscape modifications. 

Group photo of 18th International Bat Research Conference

Giving Presentation