您好!欢迎访问中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园研究组网站! 2022/04/06 上午9:17:24 星期三

Professor Doyle Benton McKEY visit EEPAI

During July 12th to August 3rd, Prof. Doyle McKEY who comes from Centre for Functional and Evolutionary Ecology, University of Montpellier, France and does research in Ecology, Evolutionary biology and Ethnobiology visited EEPAI.
Prof. Doyle was invited by Prof. Jin Chen to conduct academic exchanges and discuss ecology-related issues with EEPAI, including 1) to what extent do the interactions and coevolution of animal and plant relations promote the formation of biological diversity; 2) the universality and biological significance of the Mosaic effect of the mutual importance of animal and plant relations; 3) changes in the relationship between animals and plants under the background of climate change and their evolutionary ecological adaptation significance; 4) how to write scientific papers and make academic reports.
uring his visit, he presented a “research seminar” with the tile “Human-nature interactions in seasonal tropical wetlands, past and present” and two “research discussions” with the title “Ant-plant mutualisms as model systems in evolutionary biology” and “The ecology of chemical-defense polymorphisms in crop plants”. All of the events attracted lots of students and colleagues, and aroused students’ interest in and discussion of evolution.
Prof. Doyle also visited the Bubeng station, Green stone forest and nursery garden during his stay in XTBG.

Giving presentation

Visiting Bubeng station

Visiting Green stone forest