您好!欢迎访问中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园研究组网站! 2022/04/06 上午9:17:24 星期三


Research positions in Community Ecology and Conservation group (CEC)


The Community Ecology and Conservation group focuses on species community composition and functional diversity across environmental gradients, and how they changing in response to land-use change and climate change, in order to understand the implications for the conservation of plant communities and species. See our website for more details about our group and research: https://communityecologyconservation.com/.



1.副研究员岗位 1人(associate researcher 1)

2.助理研究员岗位  1人(assistant researcher1

3.博士后研究人员  1人(postdoctoral position 1

(二)工作地点:云南省西双版纳州勐腊县勐仑镇(Working location: Menglun town Mengla county Yunnan province, China



The candidate should abide by the PCR laws and have no criminal record; have a strong sense of professionalism and responsibility, a strong interest in scientific research and the ability to independently engage in scientific research.


Have a background in biology, ecology, and related professional knowledge, good English skills are an advantage.


andidates for associate researchers and assistant researchers should have a doctoral degree.


The age of associate researchers generally should be under 40 years old, and the age of assistant researchers should be under 35 years old, and meet the requirements for the positions of associate researchers and assistant researchers of XTBG.


The associate researcher candidate should have a demonstrated record of research in high impact journals, be excellent both in studies and behaviour, and be in good health.


The candidate for assistant researcher should have published at least 2 articles as the first author in authoritative journals, be excellent both in studies and behaviour, and be in good health.


Postdoctoral candidates should be doctoral students who are about to graduate from well-known universities and research institutes, or those who have obtained a doctoral degree for less than 3 years. They should generally be under the age of 35, be excellent both in studies and behaviour, and be in good health.



Wages and benefits will be subject to relevant regulations of Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

四、应提交的应聘材料(HOW TO APPLY





(1) It is advised that applicants first email the PI of the CEC group (Kyle Tomlinson: kyle.tomlinson@xtbg.org.cn) with an appended CV, and an indication of why they wish to join the lab.

(2) If the applicant is approved by the group PI, the applicant will join a recruitment interview for the position. For this interview, the following documents are required:

1) CV including contact details for two referees

2) PDFs of up to five representative publications

3) Scanned copy of passport information page

4) Scanned copy of PhD certificate

5) Research proposal (developed with the cooperating professor)

6) Recommendation letters provided by two referees holding the title of professor, one of whom should be the main PhD supervisor of the applicant.

(3) After passing the interview, the applicant will be required to submit additional documents. For details, please contact XTBG HR Office.

Please contact XTBG HR Office for more details.


应聘者请将相关材料发送给Kyle Tomlinson研究员(:kyle.tomlinson@xtbg.org.cn),并抄送人事处方春妍(fcy@xtbg.ac.cn)。


Human Resources Contact Person

Ms. Chun-Yan Fan

Office of Human Resources,Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden,Chinese Academy of Sciences

Menglun, Mengla, Yunnan 666303, P. R. China

Tel(+86 691) 8713 001

Fax: (+86 691) 8715 070

Email: fcy@xtbg.ac.cn

This recruitment notice will remain in effect until a suitable person is recruited.