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Deng, Y., Zhang, W. and Cao, M.*, Dong, J., Chen, H., Deng, X., Liu, J., Song, X., Xia, S., Sha, L., Yuan, S., Lin, L. 2024. Overstory functional groups indicate the legacy of land use in a secondary tropical forest in southwestern China. Journal of Forestry Research, accepted

Yao, Z., Yang, X., Wang, B., Shao, X., Wen, H., Deng, Y., Zhang, Z., Cao, M. and Lin, L.* 2023. Multidimensional beta-diversity across local and regional scales in a Chinese subtropical forest: The role of forest structure. Ecology and Evolution, 13(10), e10607. 

Li, S., Chatterjee, M., Yao, Z., Wen, H., Cao, M., Chen, Y. and Lin, L.* 2023. Soil water availability strongly drives the differentiation of acquisitive and conservative strategies for coexisting woody species in a Chinese subtropical evergreen forest. Journal of Vegetation Science, 34, e13219.

Sun, Z., Sonsuthi, A., Jucker, T., Ali, A., Cao, M., Liu, F., Cao, G., Hu, T., Ma, Q., Guo, Q. and Lin, L.* 2023. Top canopy height and stem size variation enhance aboveground biomass across spatial scales in seasonal tropical forests. Plants, 12(6), 1343.

HeX., DengY., Dong, A. and LinL.* 2022. The relationship between acoustic indices, vegetation, and topographic characteristics is spatially dependent in a tropical forest in southwestern China. Ecological Indicators, 142: 109229.

Dong, A., He, X*., Deng, Y., Lin, L. and Goodale, E.* 2022. Passive acoustic surveys reveal interactions between frugivorous birds and fruiting trees on a large forest dynamics plot. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation, 1-12.

Wang, B., Sun, H., Cracknell, A.P., Deng, Y., Li, Q., Lin, L., Xu, Q., Ma, Y., Wang, W. and Zhang, Z.* 2022. Detection and Quantification of Forest-Agriculture Ecotones Caused by Returning Farmland to Forest Program Using Unmanned Aircraft Imagery. Diversity, 14, 406.

Wang, W., Sun, Z., Mishra, S., Xia, S., Lin, L.* and Yang, X.* 2022. Body size determines multitrophic soil microbiota community assembly associated with soil and plant attributes in a tropical seasonal rainforest. Molecular Ecology, 00:1-10.

Sun, Z., Prachanun, N., Sonsuthi, A., Chanthorn, W., Brockelman, W.Y., Nathalang, A., Lin, L.* and Bongers, F. 2022. Whole-plant seedling functional traits suggest lianas also support “fast-slow” plant economics spectrum. Forests, 13, 990.

Deng, Y., Dong, J., Zhang, W., Yuan, S., Tan, Z., Song, Q., Deng, X. and Cao, M.* 2022. Quantifying the vertical microclimate profile within a tropical seasonal rainforest, based on both ground- and canopy-referenced approaches, iForest - Biogeosciences and Forestry, 15(1), 24-32.

Li, Q*., Cai, C., Xu, W., Cao, M., Sha, L., Lin, L. and He, T. 2021. Adaptive genetic diversity of dominant species contributes to species co-existence and community assembly, Plant Diversity, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pld.2021.11.002.

He, X., Brown, C., and Lin, L.* 2021. Relative importance of deterministic and stochastic processes for beta diversity of bird assemblages in Yunnan, China. Ecosphere12: e03545.

He, X., Swenson, N.G. and Lin, L.* 2021. Functional trait space of forest passerine bird assemblages along a latitudinal gradient in China.? Trees, Forests and People, 5:100096.

Mi, X.*, Sun, Z., Song, Y., Liu, X., Yang, J., Wu, J., Ci, X., Li, J., Lin, L. Cao, M. and Ma, K. 2021. Rare tree species have narrow environmental but not functional niches. Functional Ecology, 35: 511-520.

Tongkok, S., He, X.*, Alcantara, M. J. M., Saralamba, C., Nathalang, A., Chanthorn, W., Brockelman, W. Y. and Lin, L*. 2020. Composition of frugivores of Baccaurea ramiflora (Phyllanthaceae) and effects of environmental factors on frugivory in two tropical forests of China and Thailand. Global Ecology and Conservation, e01096.

ShaoX., Brown, C., Worthy, S.J., Liu, L., Cao, M., Li, Q.*, Lin, L.* and Swenson, N.G. 2018. Intra-specific relatedness, spatial clustering and reduced demographic performance in tropical rainforest trees. Ecology Letters, 21: 1174-1181.

He, X., Luo, K., Brown, C. and Lin, L.* 2018. A taxonomic, functional, and phylogenetic perspective on the community assembly of passerine birds along an elevational gradient in southwest China. Ecology and Evolution, DOI: 10.1002/ece3.3910

ShaoX., Li Q.*Lin, L. and He, T. 2018. On the origin and genetic variability of the two invasive biotypes of Chromolaena odorataBiological invasions, 20, 2033-2046.

ZhangC., Yang, J., Sha, L., Ci, X., Li, J., Cao, M., Brown, C., Swenson, N.G. and Lin, L.* 2017. Lack of phylogenetic signal within environmental niches of tropical tree species across life stages. Scientific Reports, 7:42007.

Wu, J., Swenson, N.G., Brown, C., Zhang, C., Yang, J., Ci, X., Li, J., Sha, L., Cao, M. and Lin, L.* 2016. How does habitat filtering affect the detection of conspecific and phylogenetic density dependence? Ecology, 97: 1182-1193.

Xu, W., Ci, X., Song, C., He, T., Zhang, W., Li Q.* and Li, J.* 2016. Soil phosphorus heterogeneity promotes tree species diversity and phylogenetic clustering in a tropical seasonal rainforest. Ecology and Evolution, 6, 8719-8726.

Xu, W., Liu, L., He, T., Cao, M., Sha, L.Q., Hu, Y., Li Q.* and Li, J. 2016. Soil properties drive negative correlation between species diversity and genetic diversity in a tropical seasonal rainforest. Scientific Reports, 6, 20652.

Yang, J., Swenson, N.G., Zhang, G., Ci, X., Cao, M., Sha, L., Li, J. Slik, J.W.F. and Lin, L.* 2015. Functional and phylogenetic beta diversity in a tropical tree assemblage. Scientific Reports, 5: 12731.

Yang, J., Zhang, G., Ci, X., Swenson, N.G., Cao, M., Sha, L., Li, J., Baskin, C.C., Ferry Slik, J.W. and Lin, L.* 2014. Functional and phylogenetic assembly in a Chinese tropical tree community across size classes, spatial scales and habitats. Functional Ecology, 28: 520-529.

Yang, J., Zhang, G., Ci, X., Lu, M., Li, J., Cao, M. and Lin, L.* 2014. Functional traits of tree species with phylogenetic signal co-vary with environmental niches in two large forest dynamics plots. Journal of Plant Ecology, 7: 115-125.

Yu, X., He, T., Zhao, J. and Li, Q.* 2014. Invasion genetics of Chromolaena odorata (Asteraceae): extremely low diversity across Asia. Biological Invasions, 16, 2351-2366.  

张兰,和正华,邓云,杜杰次旦,闫兴富*和雪莲*林露湘. 2023. 普达措国家公园越冬期鸟类群落功能空间及驱动机制. 动物学杂志, 58(5): 687-702

杨欣, 姚志良, 王彬, 温韩东, , 曹敏, 张志明, 谭正洪*, 林露湘*. 2022. 亚热带常绿阔叶林林分结构对物种组成变异的驱动作用:从局域到区域尺度. 生物多样性, 31 (2): 22139.

田佳玉, 王 彬, 张志明*, 林露湘*. 2022. 光谱多样性在植物多样性监测与评估中的应用. 植物生态学报, 46(10): 1129-1150.

施国杉刘峰陈典, 邓云林露湘* 2021. 云南纳板河热带季节雨林20 ha动态监测样地的树种组成与群落分类生物多样性, 29(1): 10-20.

姚志良温韩东邓云曹敏林露湘*. 2020. 哀牢山亚热带中山湿性常绿阔叶林树种beta多样性格局形成的驱动力生物多样性, 2020, 28 (4): 445-454.

周昌艳王彬邓云乌俊杰曹敏*, 林露湘*. 2020. 林冠结构是局域尺度木本植物功能性状beta多样性形成的重要驱动力生物多样性, DOI: 10.17520/biods.2020092.

Supparat Tongkok,袁盛东,Mark Jun M. Alcantara,邓晓保,郭贤明,和雪莲*林露湘. (2019)云南西双版纳发现缟灵猫动物学杂志,54(4): 603 - 604.

和雪莲,罗康,鲁志云,肖治术,林露湘*. (2018) 云南哀牢山国家级自然保护区野生鸟兽的红外相机初步监测兽类学报,38(3): 318-322.




Jin, L., Liu, J., Li, Q., Lin, L., Shao, X., Xiao, T., Li, B., Mi, X., Ren, H., Zhu, Y., Qiao, X., Lian, J., Wang, X., Du, H., Jin, G., Svenning, J.C., Hao, G., and Ge, X.* 2024. Stronger latitudinal phylogenetic patterns in woody angiosperm assemblages with higher dispersal abilities in China. Journal of Biogeography, 51:269–279.

Fang, M., Atapattu, A.J., Lin, L., Xia, S. and Yang, X.* 2022.Soil Nutrient Concentrations, Associations and Their Relationships with Canopy Tree Category and Size in the Southwestern China Tropical Rainforests. Journal of Sustainable Forestry, doi: 10.1080/10549811.2022.2150219.

Ma, Q., Su, Y.*, Hu, T., Jiang, L., Mi, X., Lin, L., Cao, M., Wang, X., Lin, F., Wang, B., Sun, Z., Wu, J., Ma, K. and Guo, Q. 2022.The coordinated impact of forest internal structural complexity and tree species diversity on forest productivity across forest biomes. Fundamental Research, DOI:10.1016/j.fmre.2022.10.005.

Jin, L., Liu, J., Li, Q., Lin, L., Shao, X., Xiao, T., Li, B., Mi, X., Ren, H., Zhu, Y., Qiao, X., Lian, J., Wang, X., Du, H., Jin, G., Svenning, J.C., Hao, G. and Ge, X.* 2022. Stronger latitudinal phylogenetic patterns in woody angiosperm assemblages with higher dispersal abilities in China. Ecography, (Accepted).

Jin, L., Liu, J., Xiao, T., Li, Q., Lin, L., Shao, X., Ma, C., Li, B., Mi, X., Ren, H., Qiao, X., Lian, J., Hao, G. and Ge, X.* 2022. Plastome-based phylogeny improves community phylogenetics of subtropical forests in China. Molecular Ecology Resources, 22, 319-333.

Wu, A., Zhou, G.*, He, H.*, Hautier, Y., Tang, X., Liu, J., Zhang, Q., Wang, S., Wang, A., Lin, L., Zhang, Y., Xie, Z. and Chang, R. 2022.Tree diversity depending on environmental gradients promotes biomass stability via species asynchrony in China,s forest ecosystems. Ecological Indicators, 140: 109021.

Kaewsong, K., Chang-Yang, J.-H., Bunyavejchewin, S., Kraichak, E., Yang, J., Sun, Z., Zhang, C., Li, W., Lin, L., Sun, I-F.* 2022. Effects of fire disturbance on species and functional compositions vary with tree sizes in a tropical dry forest. Peer J, 10: e13270.

Zeng, L.*, Cao, M., Lin, L. and Peters, C.M. 2022. Tree Diversity and Regeneration in Sacred Groves and Nature Reserves in Xishuangbanna, Southwest China. Journal of Ethnobiology, 42:432-460.

Mishra, S.*, Wang, W., Xia, S., Lin, L., Yang, X.* Spatial pattern of functional genes abundance reveals the importance of PhoD gene harboring bacterial community for maintaining plant growth in the tropical forest of Southwestern China. 2022. Science of the Total Environment, 842,156863.

Zhong, Y., Chu, C.*, Myers, J.A., Gilbert, G.S., Lutz, J.A., Stillhard, J., Zhu, K., Thompson, J., Baltzer, J.L., He, F., LaManna, J.A., Davies, S.J., Aderson-Teixeira, K.J., Burslem, D.F.R.P., Alonso, A., Chao, K., Wang, X., Gao, L., Orwig, D.A., Yin, X., Sui, X., Su, Z., Abiem, I., Bissiengou, P., Bourg, N., Butt, N., Cao, M., Chang-Yang, C., Chao, W., Chapman, H., Chen, Y., Coomes, D.A., Cordell, S., de Oliveira, A.A., Du, H., Fang, S., Giardina, C.P., Hao, Z., Hector, A., Hubbell, S.P., Janik, D., Jansen, P.A., Jiang, M., Jin, G., Kenfack, D., Kral, K., Larson, A.J., Li, B., Li, X., Li, Y., Lian, J., Lin, L., Liu, F., Liu, Y., Liu, Y., Luan, F., Luo, Y., Ma, K., Malhi, Y., McMahon, S.M., McShea, W., Memiaghe, H., Mi, X., Morecroft, M., Novotny, V., O’Brien, M.J., den Ouden, J., Parker, G.G., Qiao, X., Ren, H., Reynolds, G., Samonil, P., Sang, W., Shen, G., Shen, Z., Song, G.M., Sun, I., Tang, H., Tian, S., Uowolo, A.L., Urarte, M., Wang, B., Wang, X., Wang, Y., Weiblen, G.D., Wu, Z., Xi, N., Xiang, W., Xu, H., Xu, K., Ye, W., Yu, M., Zeng, F., Zhang, M., Zhang, Y., Zhu, L. and Zimmerman, J. 2021. Arbuscular mycorrhizal trees influence the latitudinal beta-diversity gradient of tree communities in forests worldwide. Nature Communications, 12, 3137.

Umana, M.N.*, Swenson, N.G., Marchand, P., Cao, M., Lin, L. and Zhang, C. 2021. Relating leaf traits to seedling performance in a tropical forest: building a hierarchical functional framework. Ecologyhttps://doi.org/10.1002/ecy.3385.

Wiegand, T.*, Wang, X.*, Anderson-Teixeira, K.J., Bourg, N.A., Cao, M., Ci, X., Davies, S.J., Hao, Z., Howe, R.W., Kress, W.J., Lian, J., Li, J., Lin, L., Lin, Y., Ma, K., McShea, W., Mi, X., Su, S., Sun, I., Wolf, A., Ye, W. and Huth, A. 2021. Consequences of spatial patterns for coexistence in species-rich plant communities. Nature ecology & evolution, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41559-021-01440-0.

Zhou, W., Xi, D., Fang, Y.*, Wang, A., Sha, L., Song, Q., Liu, Y., Zhou, L., Zhou R., Lin, Y., Gao, J., Balasubramanian, D., Lin, L., Chen, H., Deng, Y., Zhang, W. and Zhang, Y.* 2021. Microbial processes responsible for soil N2O production in tropical rainforest, illustrated using an in situ 15N labeling approach. Catena, 202: 105214.

Song, X., Yang, J.*, Cao, M.*, Lin, L.Sun, Z., Wen, H. and Swenson, N. 2021. Traits mediate a trade-off in seedling growth response to light and conspecific density in a diverse subtropical forest. Journal of Ecology, 109: 703-713.

Umana, M.N.*, Cao, M., Lin, L., Swenson, N.G. and Zhang, C. 2020. Trade-offs in above and belowground biomass allocation influencing seedling growth in a tropical forest. Journal of Ecology, 109: 1184-1193.

Liao, Z., Scheepens, J. F., Li, Q., Wang, W., Feng, Y., Zhen, Y. 2020. Founder effects, post-introduction evolution and phenotypic plasticity contribute to invasion success of a genetically impoverished invader. Oecologia, 192: 105-118.

Worthy, S. J, Laughlin, D. C., Zambrano, J., Umana, N. M., Zhang, C., Lin, L., Cao, M. and Swenson, N.G. 2020. Alternative designs and tropical tree seedling growth performance landscapes. Ecology, 101: e03007.

Yan. Y., Fan, Z., Fu, P., Chen, H., Lin, L. 2020. Size dependent associations between tree diameter growth rates and functional traits in an Asian tropical seasonal rainforest. Functional Plant Biology, https://doi.org/10.1071/FP20226.

Ren, H., Keil, P., Mi, X., Ma, K., Hao, Z., Ye, W., Lin, L., Valencia, R., Fletcher, C.D., Thomas, D.W., Howe, R.W., Lutz, J., Bourg, N.A., Su, S.H., Sun, I.F., Zhu, L., Chang, L.W., Wang, X., Du, X., Kenfack, D., Chuyong, G.B., Jetz, W. 2019. Environment- and trait-mediated scaling of tree occupancy in forests worldwide. Global Ecology and Biogeography, DOI: 10.1111/geb.12922

Wang, Y., Mazer, S.J., Freckleton, R.P., Yuan, Z., Wang, X., Du, Y., Lin, L., Wang, X., Sang, W., Liu X. and Hao, Z., 2019. Testing mechanisms of compensatory fitness of dioecy in a cosexual world. Journal of Vegetation Science, DOI: 10.1111/jvs.12

Ge, R., He, H., Ren, X., Zhou, T., Zhang, L., Smallman, T.L., Yu, G., Yu, S., Luo, Y., Xie, Z., Wang, S., Wang, H., Zhou, G., Zhang, Q., Wang, A., Fan, Z., Zhang, Y., Shen, W., Yin, H. and Lin, L. 2019. Underestimated ecosystem carbon turnover time and sequestration under the steady state assumption: a perspective from long-term data assimilation. Global Change Biology, DOI: 10.1111/gcb.14547.

Chu, C., Lutz, J.A., Kr l, K., Vrka, T., Myers, J.A., Yin, X., Cao, M., Condit, R., Fang, S., Fischer, G.A., Hao, Z., Hau, B.C.H., He, Q., Hubbell, S.P., Jiang, M., Jin, G., Lai, J., Li, B., Li, X., Li, Y., Lian, J., Lin, L., Liu, Y., Ma, K., Mi, X., Parker, G.G., Qiao, X., Ren, H., Shen, G., Sui, X., Sun, I.F., Wang, B., Wang, X., Wang, X., Wang, Y., Weiblen, G.D., Wen, S., Xi, N., Xiang, W., Xu, H., Ye, W., Zhang, B., Zhang, J., Zhang, X. Zhu, K., Zimmerman, J., Mittelbach, G.G., He, F. 2019. Climate affects global tree species diversity via forest structure. Ecology Letters, 22: 245-255.

Song, X.*, Cao, M., Kitching,R.L., Tang,Y., Sun, Z., Nakamura, A., Melinda J Laidlaw, Yang, J. 2019. Environmental and spatial contributions to seedling and adult tree assembly across tropical, subtropical and subalpine elevational gradients, Journal of Plant Ecology, 12(1): 103-112

Umana, M. N., Zhang, C., Cao, M., Lin, L. and Swenson, N.G. 2018. Quantifying the role of intraspecific trait variation for allocation and organ-level traits in tropical seedling communities. 2018. Journal of vegetation science, 29: 276-284.

Asefa, M., Brown, C., Cao, M., Zhang, G., Ci, X., Sha, L., Li, J., Lin, L. and Yang, J. 2018. Contrasting effects of space and environment on pairwise and nearest-neighbor metrics of functional and phylogenetic dissimilarity. Journal of Plant Ecology, 12: 314-326.

Umana, M. N., Zipkin, E.F., Zhang, C., Cao, M., Lin, L. and Swenson, N.G. 2018. IMG_256Intraspecific trait variation and negative density dependence drive growth in tropical tree seedlingsJournal of Ecology, DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745.13001.

Song, X., Hogan, J.A., Lin, L., Wen, H., Cao, M., and Yang, J. 2018. Canopy openness and topographic habitat drive tree seedling recruitment after snow damage in an old-growth subtropical forest. Forest Ecology and Management, 429: 493-502.

Xing, S., Bonebrake, T.C., Ashton, L.A., Kitching, R.L., Cao, M., Sun, Z., Ho, J.C., Nakamura, A. 2018. Colors of night: climate–morphology relationships of geometrid moths along spatial gradients in southwestern China, Oecologia. 188: 537-546

Umana, M. N., Zhang, C., Cao, M., Lin, L. and Swenson, N.G. 2017. A core-transient framework for trait-based community ecology: an example from a tropical tree seedling community. Ecology Letters, 20: 619-628.

Zambrano, J., Iida, Y., Howe, R., Lin, L., Umana, M.N., Wolf, A., Worthy, S.J. and Swenson, N.G.* 2017. Neighborhood defense gene similarity effects on tree performance: a community transcriptomic approach. Journal of Ecology, 105: 616-626.

Umana, M. N., Mi, X., Cao, M., Enquist, B.J., Hao, Z., Howe, R., Iida, Y. Johnson, D., Lin, L., Liu, X., Ma, K., Sun, I.F., Thompson, J., Uriarte, M., Wang, X., Wolf, A., Yang, J., Zimmerman, J.K. and Swenson, N.G. 2017. The role of functional uniqueness and spatial aggregation in explaining rarity in trees. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 26: 777-786.

Song, X., Nakamura, A., Sun, Z., Tang, Y., Cao, M.* 2016. Elevational Distribution of Adult Trees and Seedlings in a Tropical Montane Transect, Southwest China, Mountain Research and Development, 36: 342-354

Song, X., Li, J., Zhang, W., Tang, Y., Sun, Z., Cao, M.* 2016. Variant responses of tree seedling to seasonal drought stress along an elevational transect in tropical montane forests, Scientific Reports, 6: 0-36438.

Swenson, N.G.*, Weiser, M. D., Mao, L., Normand, S., Rodr guez, M.A., Lin, L., Cao, M. and Svenning, J.-C. 2016. Constancy in functional space across a species richness anomaly. The American Naturalist, DOI: 10.1086/685083

Bartlett, M. K.*, Zhang, Y., Yang, J., Kreidler, N., Sun, S., Lin, L., Hu, Y., Cao, K. and Sack, L. 2015. Drought tolerance as a driver of tropical forest assembly: resolving spatial signatures for multiple processes. Ecology, 97: 503-514.

Uma a, M. N.*, Zhang, C., Cao, M., Lin, L. and Swenson, N.G. 2015. Commonness, rarity, and intraspecific variation in traits and performance in tropical tree seedlings. Ecology Letters, 18: 1329-1337.

van der Velden*, N., Slik, J.W.F., Hu, Y., Lan, G., Lin, L., Deng, X. and Poorter, L. 2014. Monodominance of Parashorea chinensis on fertile soils in a Chinese tropical rain forest. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 30: 311-322.

R jou-M chain, M.*, Muller-Landau, H.C., Detto, M. … Lin, L. … et al. 2014. Spatial variation in forest biomass and consequences for remote sensing of carbon stocks. Biogeosciences, 11: 6824-6840.